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Accused Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman leaves jail on $1M bond
cbsnews. ^
Posted on 07/08/2012 6:48:14 AM PDT by JoeProBono
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To: JoeProBono
Shortly before Zimmerman's release, the Rev. Al Sharpton criticized Zimmerman for raising money through online donations.Somebody's jealous. The Martin's Trashcan Trail of Tears must not be doing well. The last time the Crumpmeister spoke on the matter, he implied that part of the money raised by GZ should go to him for reparations.
To: SeminoleCounty
No matter what the facts of the episode or the law, George Zimmerman will never get a fair trial. He is being sacrificed on the alter of race relations and liberal guilt. All the leaks by the pres and prosecution are anti Zimmerman and this judge has said out loud he considers him untrustworthy which prejudices any later jury verdict. The sum of one million is also nonsense as he is not a flight risk.
posted on
07/08/2012 11:09:48 AM PDT
(Eat the rich only if you're certain it's your last meal)
To: I still care
posted on
07/08/2012 5:49:28 PM PDT
(A closed mouth gathers no feet - Mater tua caligas exercitus gerit ;-{)
To: concerned about politics
How do they know? Yes, they are pretty positive George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin.
Whether he can provide justification remains to be settled.
posted on
07/08/2012 6:05:26 PM PDT
Oztrich Boy
(Literals will believe anything.)
To: JoeProBono
George Zimmerman had ever right to shoot that thug...Oh sorry he shot a black that makes all the differences in the world.Time for us to take back our country back from the thugs like Obama,Jackson.Sharpton,and on and on...
posted on
07/09/2012 6:03:35 AM PDT
To: JoeProBono
George Zimmerman, had ever right to shoot that thug...Oh sorry he shot a black that makes all the differences in the world.Time for us to take back our country back from the thugs like Obama,Jackson.Sharpton,and on and on...
posted on
07/09/2012 6:04:01 AM PDT
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