Perhaps we need a new term - bugging to. Many who bug out are in reality bugging TO a safe place rather than playing Rambo in the piney woods.
The article is a bit wonky on the paying the mortgage and such. Excuse me, but if enough hits the fan there won’t be anyone to collect the mortgage. And who leaves their family behind?
But, yes, in certain circumstances one may have to pull up stakes but that would be my last choice. My first choice is staying put beside my water well.
The bug out bag makes sense for short emergencies, amounting to going camping up to 3 days on a minute’s notice. The whole point is sometimes you just are on your own: home evacuation, bad weather, medical emergencies, sudden travel, impromptu vacation, whatever. Also is nice to just have the basics on hand. Best use for mine was my first child’s birth: I was so focused on them I forgot to prep for my own well being for those 3 days, and was nice to just grab the bag from the car.
For long term survival though, you’d best be living it as the norm.
if you live in an apt in downtown Philly or Baltimore or Detroit for example...YES by all means if the economy stops functioning then head for the hills....
Don’t worry, if it is any consolatation, the gubermint will legally classify you as an “internally displaced person” rather than a “refugee.”
I can think of a few situations why bugging out would be best, but then I chose my land with an eye toward avoiding those situations. Wildfires might still be an issue, but even that’s not as likely as it might be in some areas.
Still, I’d rather be over-prepared than under-prepared.
“Bugging out” to me has always meant one of two things...
Either bringing just the necessities to get to a more secure location.
Or getting from where I’m at to my fighting gear and then joining the action.
It has never meant going on the lam and hiding. Ever.
However, if you don't have a well-defined bug-out destination that is better located and is very livable then you should simply not plan to bug-out.
Very few people could survive in a forest - a few could - but very few.
Regarding hunting/gathering for food - even if it were plentiful you're likely to spend more calories doing it than the calories you take in (guess where that leads?)
When I was a kid I remember how surprised and disturbed I was to visit my favorite fishing pond and find some other kids on motor cycles running a "sein net" through the pond to empty the pond of fish. In times of desperation this is exactly what would play out everywhere there are "meals on hooves".
The author is 100% right to caution anyone about bugging out.
Damn good advice really. If you think about it, if large numbers are all trying to bug out, the roads would quickly become parking lots. Most of us would be better off staying put.
I simply don’t have the money to plan for everything. I am 50, my wife 54 and has diabetes, and her sister is mentally handicapped. Fleeing unless NO OTHER CHOICE would be a death sentence. Better to fortify and stock up as best I can and ride it out. I have stockpiled and continue to do so to make it at my home.
Thats the plan for me anyway...
I live in the hood in a city but hold out or be overrun. I’ll die fighting like a man or I will survive. I do have some bug out plans but realize that most likely it won’t end well and I will only do so as an absolute last resort.
Geez! A refugee thread without a pic of Tom Petty?
A wise philosophy, for those contemplating this:
“Smart Indian build small fire, sit close.”
A stark contrast to sitting in a recliner, a row of remotes at hand, watching one of hundreds of channels on your big screen.
Or for that matter, living in a world requiring internet connectivity, versus olde fashioned human interaction, face to face, up close and personal and accountable, perhaps requiring more maturity, judgement and civility, etc.
To bug-out or not to bug-out. It should be purely situational. If a tidal wave/hurricaine/earthquake/flood or other massive natural disaster is targeting your home, it’s time to get out of Dodge. Other situations can probably be ridden out at by staying at home where you have your supplies.