BULLS***! The "Tea Party" warms to Romney the same way it warms to the Bubonic Plague. When will you romneyites get it through your thick heads Conservatives do not 'like' or 'warm up to' liberals. Romney is a liberal and he cannot beat obomba.
Dayum right its too soon. The way those who claim to be conservative have given in to the GOPe is sickening. Newt is still in the race and is far better than Romney. This give in and give up attitude is why America is in the condition its in today. Instead of standing and fighting the weak fall in line. Shame, shame shame.
There are plenty of ABO people in the TEA Party. Not enough of them, though.
Bovine Excrement!
No Sale.
The nomination of Mitt Romney only shows one thing - the GOP needs to be replaced with something else.
Tea Parties warming to Mitt Romney only show one things - they need to be replaced with something else.
I’m still hoping Romney loses the nomination.
It hurts my head to consider who Romney would choose for SC. Or, any number of things he might fumble the ball on like serious spending cuts...immigration...take two aprin and call me in the morning.
Is that the kind of warming they are talking about?
I’m still hoping Romney loses the nomination.
Sniff sniff sniff... smells like bovine excrement to me.
I will not put the reputation of the Republican Party over the health of the USA. If the choices are dog crap and spam, I still want to be involved in the decision.
Not this TEA party supporter
No Romney
Exactly right. If conservatives in general are similar to those on this forum, they (and we) never united behind a candidate.
Every single one was nitpicked and/or destroyed.
If we’d stuck with Rick Perry, he would be the candidate and we would have a conservative, attractive, likeable guy who could win easily.
But no, he couldn’t debate, he this, he that.
Now we have our last choice and it’s basically our fault.
I’ll be voting for Romney (while wishing it were Perry)
Nobody actually expects Romney to vigorously push for Conservative ideas do they?
Seriesly. Nobody's that stoopit.
The Tea Party may have, but has Jim Robinson warmed up to Romney?