It is now “threatening” merely to say that Obama is a threat to all free people.
I fail to see any threat to Obama.
Nugent is Romney’s surrogate? Like Carney is Obama’s? Really?
sur·ro·gate (sûr-gt, -gt, sr-)
1. One that takes the place of another; a substitute.
tr.v. (-gt) sur·ro·gat·ed, sur·ro·gat·ing, sur·ro·gates
1. To put in the place of another, especially as a successor; replace.
Or is this just the MSM picking up Wasserman’s observation and running with it.
I can see all the little Winston Smiths scurrying from one cubicle to another:
“Have you heard? Ted Nugent is now Romney’s surrogate.
Make sure you repeat that as often as possible.”
Jane Dough
HEY YOU IDIOTS AT IBT, THAT IS NOT WHAT NUGENT MEANT. Don't show your friggin' IGNORANCE by starting a false rumor. Nugent meant that 0bama would ban guns and go after people like himself and imprison him. That is not such a far out thought, seeing how 0bama has been with his 'Fast & Furious' plot to get guns banned in America by doing what he does best and BLAME America for all the guns in Mexico. It was the ATF, FBI and DOJ WHO WAS SENDING THE GUNS! . IBT, YOUR IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM IS PATHETIC.
Ted is an Artist, he was jus kick’in a new rap! :-)
Ted should meet the Secret Service agents in his living room set up like his old Vernors commercial, sitting there surrounded by beautiful women in a dinner jacket.
Just smile and sip his heated ginger ale while they try not to be distracted while questioning him...
I will be dead or in jail by this time next year,”
For a large percentage of people in the Rock Music industry, that is not much of a bold statement. In fact, they probably have beaten the odds if they can go a year without an arrest. But a death threat? They are making things up so they can get a few days of basking conservatives?
Hey Nugent, just line up a 1/2 dozen $20.00 hookers and some cheap rum to greet the SS guys.
shhhh....Ted, there are Mossad agents working undercover as Colombian hookers who are already engaged in that project...
Just tell them to shut the heck up, Ted. Nobody wants anyone dead. People just want Obama escorted out the backdoor of the Whitey House by the same route Obama escorted out the Dahli Lama.
That was by way of the garbage cans.
This author should learn the critical distinction between imply and infer.
The author infers meaning from Teds remark that he not on fact imply.
I want the bamster to go hunting with Dick Cheny at the Bunny Ranch .
I think Ted may have used those exact words very deliberately. If they arrest him...they make his point valid.
I don’t believe BHO is that stupid, he won’t let it happen.
That said, Ted sees the writing on the wall with this guy. You can almost smell the fascism...the control of everything. The media seem almost scared, already - talking against him is probably at least a very bad career move. As this presidential race moves forward we’re going to see these people practically fall on their knee’s for him.
I call dibbs on his toys.....
In no possible way can you twist this into a threat against Obama.
Of course, liberals are experts at simply making it up.
It depends how you read his comments.
He could also have been implying that if Obama gets elected, Ted will die because somewhere in that first year Obama will set something in motion that gets Ted killed.
Ted also could be saying he may wind up committing suicide, or that the stress of Obama being in for another term may take its toll on ted and kill him.
Oh goodie - the feigned liberal outrage du jour!