This is bad.
No Romney, no way.
Bad on me for not catching your sarcasm. I’m usually quicker to pick up on it. I love it! Keep it up.
Don’t be stupid.
It’s Romney all the way! Plus the Senate, the House and 2 maybe even 3 Supreme Court nominees...
So what’s your problem?
I take it you'd much rather vote for the Kenya communist who launched his political career in the kitchen of the anti-American terrorist Bill Ayers and spent 20 years of his life attending the “church” services of the arch racist hate monger Jeremiah Wright.
Let me know what you are smoking will ya?
On further reading down the thread, I realize you were being sarcastic. Apologies.
I know, really bad. I’m so pissed. I want to see the Kenyan up by 10-20 points from now until the election. Maybe I should donate to his campaign fund./SARCASM
FR is whacky the past few weeks....
This is bad???
Only if I got drunk and went to a DNC website.
Is this really going to become a reelect Obama forum?
You’re actually rooting for Obama?
I find that sad.
This is bad.
No Romney, no way.
Wow. Just wow, I guess you are really pulling for Obama for a second term.