49% in today’s Rasmussen approve of Obama’s job performance.
He always seem to snap back... friggin’ amazing.
I don't care about playing gotcha when this president is openly hostile to using oil and its crucial importance to America's prosperity and security.
The libs shout about how domestic production won't bring down the price at home since oil is sold on the world market. The more stable the world supply becomes the more stable the price will become in the United States.
Ask yourself why Bo’s approval rating is higher than congress?
Here is something I would like to see go NATIONAL
Purchase a book of Post-it Note Pads Place the note pads in your vehicle(s) along with a Magic Marker. When stopping at the pump for gas, take a Post-it note and write the following How is that Hope and Change Working Out for You? After pumping your gas, place the Post-it Note on the pump, immediately below the price-per-gallon. Next driver to use the pump will get the message. If this goes Nationwide, think of the potential impact it may have on voters.
See America doesn’ mind if we have a radical marxist usurper in the office of ‘Present’dent. Never mind his crazed spending, 20 failed Green Companies, 8-9% unemployment, the Chevy Volt and unappointed Czars...However, if gas prices are to high..NOW there is gonna be trouble???
At least maybe they will vote him out or at the very least not vote at all..(?)
Please, Lord!
My guess is 14% and the folks at CBS will claim they have dyslexia.
“Mr. Obama’s job rating on the economy remains about the same as it was last month - 39 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove.”
Enough said.
Hello President Romney (the presumable nominee).
Nothing but a setup for the “comeback kid” theme. When gas prices drop ahead of the election, he’ll bounce back. We’ve seen it all before and it works like clockwork.
To think this guy had a 78% approval rating when he became the thug in chief. Hoping his numbers drop below congress before the election.
Three years and four months of trickle-up poverty are starting to sink in among the citizenry.