Oh, come on, ZerO. If the country can handle “being without you” while you go golfing, take vacations to Hawaii and so forth, they can certainly handle “being without you” while you participate in this hearing.
The only way this tyrant will go there is with a military escourt.
Was Jablonsky’s notably weak argument part of a strategy to lose this case by default? They can’t have Obama commit career suicide by testifying off teleprompter, or providing real (or even fake) documentation. Their media friends will repeat that it was lost on a technicality because he stood on principle and was ... busy. He’ll play the martyr, crucified by right-wing racists, using their obsolete Slave-power Constitution to whip down the black man. The Georgia Democratic Party will somehow award him its delegates, and/or he doesn’t need them anyway. But mebbe this whole house of cards is about to get SQUASHED.
I am trying to make sense of it all. What is coming down? Jablonski’s motion to quash the subpoenas was equivalent to the work of a first year law student. So, the question is why?
By now, Obama can see the writing on the wall. The economy is not getting any better and will likely get worse by election day. International markets and countrys’ economies are collapsing. He can see that even fraud in the election will likely not be big enough to overcome the groundswell of opposition building against him. It is getting late in the game and he needs to make a move. His AG is under siege and soon to be impeached. Joe Arpaio is coming out with an investigation. So, he lets an adverse decision come down in a case brought by the rabid, racist Taitz in a Southern state with a racist Republican secretary of state and governor. The perfect setting to play the race card for all its worth. It is time to light the fuse to set off civil unrest and martial law? He has a cadre of anarchists on the ground just waiting for an opportunity to riot. He has shored up the “legal” authorities he needs to put away anyone who tries to quell the riots under the guise that opposing his usurpation of office or criticizing the demonstrators means you too are a racist bigot and a ‘terrorist’ of the state. As they say, “Stay tuned.”