What you need Mitt is a bombshell. This is more like a cap gun going off.
Impotent and as old as cannon balls bouncing off the sides of ironclads.
Coming on the heels of his $10,000 bet offer, Romney seems a little too concerned about Other Peoples Money.
I don’t think he’ll want someone to dig up how many millions in tax credits and other gummint free money gimme programs have benefited him and his businesses.
Where do we get such scum and how does the Rino wing stand the man's stench? Were he to take the nomination, the mainslime media will lay out chapter and verse of his cowardly vendetta against Sarah Palin and he will lose to the chimpanzee by ten points, on that ground alone.
Bain Capital, has cut checks totaling $90,000 to Romneys operation.
Romney is a first class ass.
Romney: "Thank me for my faithful, blind, devoted RomneyBOTs TBBT and mamelukesabre
who keeps working FOR ME, FOR ME, FOR ME, ---for ME,
ignoring my fake endorsements,
my fake troopers,
sporting fake badges, illegal security tactics, bizarre staffers,
hatred of the military, release of unrepentant murderers, receipt of AIG Contributions in 2008 ,
my imposition of gay marriage by usurping the Mass. Constitution,
my infliction of socialized medicine without a vote to impose European "healthcare" (except for me),
my abuse of Seamus violating Massachusetts's animal cruelty laws,
most say were uncalled for
for making me a presidential candidate of distinction in many ways leading to
TIME's 200 comments from readers complaining of animal cruelty
which did unfairly expose me,
like the Globe about my Belmont illegal alien sanctuary,
and that so many in my team were secretly criticizing and attacking Gov. Palin
and the other GOP candidates who otherwise might have won."