Yea! That’s what I prefer, the flat tax.
Or a combination thereof....Herman Cain’s 9/9/9 idea is interesting.
All the more reason for Obama to hate it.
What I do know is this: Our current tax system is corrupt, unfair, and extremely destructive to our nation and our society. The current people in Washington, and CPAs across the nation, feed and nurture this true crisis.
Change is imperative.
I know I can't count on the current corrupt politician to make a good determination as to flat, fair, or whatever. The only thing I can do it support total regime change in Washington, and hope for leaders who care about the future of our nation.
But, do I pay the same tax rate since I'm jewish? Or, would that only be the case if I was a jewish janitor?
While I prefer a flat tax, I never confuse how taxes are collected with how much taxes are collected. We still have a huge overspending problem that needs fixing.
How about we cut government down to its constitutional size and, therefore, cut spending. Conservatives seem to be so dedicated to finding more efficient ways to fund the monstrous leviathan that is destroying us. My favorite is conservatives boasting that a tax cut will bring in more money. As if that’s a good thing. How about a tax cut that will bring in less money and starve the beast?
My husband and I agree. That flat tax is the way to go.
Flat is fair except that the tax should not be on income but consumption instead!
I prefer the fair tax.
With the fair tax, you snag people like drug dealers, prostitutes, and people who otherwise wouldn’t pay taxes.
You also reward savers, as money that’s saved and/or invested isn’t taxed unless you spend it.
Let’s say that i earn and want to invest $20,000 with the flat tax. If the tax is 10%, then I can only invest $18,000.
With the Fair tax, I can invest all $20,000.
I get to make money (interest/dividends) off that $2,000 for my retirement. When I spend it, I may spend part of it on things like my car insurance, phone bill, electric bill... things that aren’t taxed at all with the fair tax.
Consumption tax is a much better model than any sort of income tax. The notion that the government is entitled to some portion of my inocme is simply wrong.
“This is the right way to go.”
No, it’s not. The USA has had five (5) flat INCOME taxes since 1861 and each time it grows back into a mess. Check the history for yourself.
The INCOME tax is like a cancer. You can make it ‘flat’ and it will spread and metastasize. Each new session of Congress thinks to tinker with the INCOME tax code and pats themselves on the back for fixing the tax problem when in actuality they are butcher like amateur surgeons who cut out a tumor leaving thousands of cancer cells behind to kill the patient later.
Pass a flat tax now and come back in 10 years to see the middle class is once again in pain from having their deductions cut, from having their tax rates go up, from the rich and wealthy finding clever ways to get their income classified as nontaxable or defined not as ‘income’.
Since 1913 there have been five major tax reforms, each reform making the tax code simpler and ‘flatter’, only to see such reforms undone by tax code amendments within 10 years or less.
Since the last major tax reform in 1986, there have been more than 20,000 amendments to the tax code and a quadrupling of tax lobbyists inside the Beltway.
The real lasting tax reform that is in line with the Founder’s original intent is here:
Study Study Study and ask questions.
Agreed. Make the tax the bluntest instrument possible: a simple rate structure spread over a very wide base with very limited exemptions. Lock that in via Amendment so future politicians can’t change the game easily.
Flat would be an improvement, but it preserves the IRS, which is a costly, intrusive and unconstitutional horror.
The beauties of the Fair tax include its simplicity and its natural tendency to encourage saving and investment. But the biggest beauties in the FairTax legislation as Linder crafted it was the elimination of the 16th Amendment (which was adopted under sketchy circumstances at best) and the axing of the IRS in its entirety.
I wish the Fair Tax had more support.
Every FREEDOM loving American should both do an on line search on the name Beardsley Ruml and find out for yourselves who he was. Then read the article at the link below where he explains what taxes are REALLY for in today’s America.
Obama’s flat tax... everyone sends in 70% of gross income...
Anything that will greatly simplify the tax code I am for.
Anything that will simplify and shrink government I am for.
Anything that makes it impossible for some hell bent marxist radical commie to manipulate and fundementally change our system against the people’s will I am for.
Anything that restores our Constitutional Republic to its former glory I am for.
Anything that restores basic common sense and values I am for.
our current system started out as a flat tax...
the fair tax is the way to go.
a tax on income is evil and controlled by malcontents.
consumption gets the money out of politics.