Posted on 07/05/2011 7:27:58 AM PDT by freebird5850
Brilliant little Cayley. Wrapped that duct tape all around her mouth and nose, zipped herself in a bag and hopped right on out to the middle of the swamp and waited to die.
The defense knew where to find the lazy and the stupid.
WHAT DEFENSE? There was NO defense presented the lawyers morphed into the lies of Casey and the stupid please deceive us jury were seduced. The lying slut killed her child and now unless 'law enforcement' has utube video of the act being committed any mom should get to walk. I have heard long before this case that the dead body of a human being smells like nothing else... and what possible evidence did the state attempt to hide????
Bill Handel of KFI in Los Angeles said the message from this case is: if you want to murder your child, make sure you bury her in a warm spot to ensure decomposition, then wait a month or so to report her missing. You’ll walk free when it comes to trial, no matter the rest of the evidence.
With a populace steeped on CSI-type shows, juries demand an explicit cause of death now to convict. The standard of evidence has changed. It’s wrong, of course, but it is what it is. Juries anymore are full of people who can’t think rationally. They are swayed purely by emotion and by what they see on TV.
Can you not understand that it is possible for one to come to the conclusion that Casey murdered Caylee without any influence from HLN?
MANATEE - Its amazing how effective the confusion defense can be.
Those were the words of Manatee County defense attorney Chris Pratt who, along with others following the Casey Anthony trial in Manatee County, were amazed that a jury found Anthony not guilty of everything but lying to law enforcement today.
Pratt, who has been practicing law in the county since 1982, was working a case in juvenile jail when the verdict came this afternoon.
The defense threw everything they could at the prosecution in hope that something would stick to the wall, Pratt said. The defense attorney, Mr. Baez, was very Detective Columbo-esque. He came across as a bumbling idiot, but the results speak for themselves.
Pratt believes that when Anthony is sentenced on Thursday she will get credit for the three years she has served in jail and will be out free that day.
She can credit her defense team, Pratt said.
No doubt of that, Pratt said. It was a miracle verdict.
It was clearly a homicide.
Peter Lombardo, an attorney practicing in Manatee County for the past 23 years, said he was stunned by the verdict.
I couldnt believe they didnt find her guilty of at least manslaughter, said Lombardo, a Republican candidate for state attorney for the 12th Judicial Circuit. It was clearly a homicide. I am not sure it was premeditated or did not appear to be, but what is clear is that Caylee died from child abuse and no one could have done that besides her mother.
Do you really believe Casey is innocent? Yes or no.
I am asking you, did you actually watch the closing arguments?
I’m a youth leader at my church. I use Facebook to communicate with my teenagers and i’ve noticed a lot of topical pages springing up after this verdict.
My response was that i’m going to attend church and pray together with other Christians for God to fix this broken nation.
You get a lot more results that way than floating balloons or leaving your porch lights on.
Just sayin
threesome maybe but I get the Geraldo and Casey. Who is the other person?
Is she claiming to be pregnant> My husband & I have noticed that she is looking more bosomy than usual. And none of her shirts are ever tucked in. She could have gotten pregnant just to save her own life. (Don’t press me on the details. It’s been done before.)
I personally can’t beleive they did not take notice of how unique it was.It was only made for a short period of time IIRC they said 20,000 rolls made for the anniversary of duct tape not soemthing you would find very often and the likelihood that others in the area had the same thing is really slim.Remember they moved from Ohio near where the tape is made and was most likely why they had such a unique item.
The whole molestation defense is ridiculous! I was (sad to say) molested as a child, and yet I am not a cold blooded maniac that would not shed a tear if one of my 3 daughter's ended up dead! I can't believe that they are using her father “supposedly” molesting her to defend her coldness during the “partying period”. There never was, nor will there ever be an excuse for that behavior!
Regardless of what anyone thinks, clearly there was reasonable doubt in their minds.
End of story.
Well, all anybody here knows is what they hear in the media. I my case, kind of what I’ve picked up without following the tabloid TV shows, which I don’t have time for. What I posed seemed logical with what I’ve heard, but if what I’ve heard was wrong, there still is a dead baby and some shenanigans following that death for sure, so, since you seem to know a lot about the case, what really did happen to that baby?
Jean C. is inside the restaurant where the defense team is holding their party & Cheney Mason intimated that KC will not be returning to the Anthonys home.
OMG you should hear all the clients in the restaurant... They are as P*SSED as we are.
>>Not Guilty that is pretty simple.<<
Yeah, just like O.J.
Are you really this stupid?
>>since you seem to know a lot about the case, what really did happen to that baby?<<
They don’t know, he/she is too busy tap-dancing on the baby’s grave.
WKMG showing the defense team celebrating in restaurant accross the street.
Party time! Tequilas for all!
Simms taking pics of cameraman with big grin on her face. Everyone so happy.
Don’t even have the decency to keep it quiet
News reports that Jesse Grund is shocked too by today’s decision.
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