So when is the FBI getting involved in the hate crime investigation?
Shame on you for calling her a "freak of nature". Get your act together, open your mind and quit being so hateful and judgmental. She wasn't "posing as a woman". She is transgender. Do me a favor: go get an education about this issue then come back and post comments like a civilized, educated person. thanks.
Let's get the "civilized" part out of the way : NO ONE should ever get a beating for being transgendered or for any other reason short of self-defence.
I am both hateful* and judgemental. I see "posing as a woman" and transgendered as synonyms; a distinction without a difference.
The poster of the quote above believes that society and other individuals don't have the absolute right to hold ethical and moral standards.
He is an idiot, and no amount of "education" can fix stupid.
Another sad sack with such an open mind that his brain fell out. The only favor I can do for him is to simply ignore him.
*Unconscious touchy-feelie liberal definition of "hateful:" You have standards higher than mine.
I can live with the label.
Now isn’t THIS a poser for the Hussein/Holder “Justice” dept!! The he-she is white, and therefore can neither be a victim of racism or of an assault by blacks. HOWEVER, the he-she is after all, a HE-SHE!!! So fags, perverts and the utterly grotesque who donate so much to leftist campaigns could be up in arms should The One not prosecute! Decisions, decisions, huh Eric!!
Ah, a Holder homie.
Clearly I’m missing something.What’s with all the ragging on Lazmataz?
This more to do with perversion than race. Blacks don’t accept LGBT’s in their own community. Black gays get beat down all the time. I am sorry, but I can not jump on the LGBT bandwagon. A perv is a perv and should have never been in a women’s restroom.
Funny... they don’t look Amish...