I love how the Marxist Muslim is being spun as a victim and a bystander by this Soros media outlet.
Leftico appeared out of no where in 2006 so has any one investigated is links to George Soros or the Lewis thugs ?
But it is clearly a Hard left DNC propaganda outfit !
"...he doesnt have horns..."
or a birth certificate.
That Donald Trump Is Pretty Shrewd
Canada Free Press:
Every member of the Supreme Court, every member
of congress, every member of the Joint Chiefs, most members of the DOD, CIA, FBI, Secret Service and
state run media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Fox and print news, knows that Barack Hussein Obama
does NOT meet Article II Section I constitutional requirements for the office he holds.
By his own biography, there is NO way he can pass the test. The hard evidence is so far beyond overwhelming, it is ridiculous.
But not ONE member of Americas most powerful people will dare confront Obama and his anti-American cabal
on the subject. The Constitution does NOT stand.
Half of the people you expect to stop this insanity
are quiet co-conspirators in the silent coup.
The other half is paralyzed by fear, motivated
only by political self-preservation.
Americans keep asking what they can do because
they see that none of their leaders are doing
anything to stop the demise of their beloved country. Its the right question, because those leaders
are NOT going to stop this thing.
Canada Free Press is absolutely right.
Everybody knows Obama is not qualified for POTUS
They are either afraid or co-conspirators
The constitution does not stand
One man has come foward with the guts- and the resources to expose Obama.
Donald Trump.
The facts re; BC fraud, Obama not natural born citizen:
How to reach Trump:
Herman Cain
Send research material to help Trump to:
Mr. Michael D. Cohen, Executive Vice President and Special Counsel
The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Really?? I remember Rush playing clips of some in the news media asking after the election "What do we know about this man?" and "We don't know anything about him. Just who is he?"
“Bamboozling, buck dancing, Tom” -— Is what Malik Shabazz called him/
Obama is sweating over his birth certificate so he lamely jokes about it. Trump will flush this turd in 2012