Posted on 01/20/2011 11:58:33 AM PST by BuckeyeTexan
I haven’t much concern for Taiwan.
As a nationalist my concerns usually end at the border.
You know, it's not like that.
I go all over the world. I go all over this country. In the past 180 days, I have spent significant time on every continent except Australia and Africa.
And I have been all over the American West, Midwest, Southwest and Southeast.
Been a wild year.
One thing I saw: shuttered businesses all over America, plenty of people wanting to do the work. Skilled, dedicated people, intentionally being screwed by the globalist, elitist garbage who pushed all this crap and led to the collapse. Americans aren't lazy. But their "leaders" are.
Another thing I saw: the people in the other countries have no illusions about "free trade" or "open markets". What's theirs is theirs, what's ours is negotiable. With the outcome of the negotiation NEVER in doubt: the gringo loses.
Third worlders are like that. It's dog eat dog where they come from. They think we're a bunch of silly Kollege Kids, easy pickins. Even the other "first worlders"!
Everyone else plays by different rules: they play to win. And they don't care who gets hurt...long as it ain't them.
Time we got hip to the game again and played to win for ourselves.
Guess that's where we differ, sport.
PS: Vietnam was a great war to prevent the enslavement of a vulnerable people.
Guess you probably disagreed with that too. As long as Vo Nguyen Giap's factory can sell you a cheap shirt, huh?
‘Aren’t we lucky that Wal-Mart is the only retailer in the USA that sells goods “Made in China”.’
Aren’t they lucky to have you looking out for their PR? I don’t care who else sells Chinese goods, it’s still a significant factor in their ability to sell at low prices. It’s not a complaint, just a factor (among several) that accounts for their market superiority. I have no sentimental attachment to them or any other retail outlet.
“I heard WalMart is going to move Arkansas to China!”
I imagine Huckleberry could score a job as some kind of provincial lord - lol.
Oh, relax. I’m sure they actually used a surveyor’s mark.
(I believe that Sarah Palin intended to use crosshairs on her map. She or an inept staffer simply goofed when scrolling through symbols.)
Maryland “Freak State” PING!
The DC Chapter did protest in front of Code Pink's HQ a number of years ago. No press showed up. We did get the DC Housing Authority to have them clean up some of their propaganda since they were in a residential area.
Check Out: Halloween at Code Pinks. This was the 4th and last FReep at CP's HQ.
[Mr] T
Shouldn’t there be some legal action against these thugs who blatantly document and plan these “events”? Isn’t this invasion of privacy, etc?
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