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To: ChicagoConservative27
There's bound to be disagreement about whether Palin should be the nominee, but given the context there was nothing wrong or inappropriate in her "blue bloods" comment.
It was a fully justified response to Bab's needling. If Rove and the Bushes are oversensitive about controversies like this, they shouldn't have started it.
130 posted on
12/04/2010 10:12:52 AM PST by
To: ChicagoConservative27
I think “blue bloods” is right up there with “death panels” as demonstration of the Palin touch. She can summarize an argument with a buzz word that frames the debate and makes people go crazy.
First there were no death panels, how ridiculous to suggest there were. Then they took out in the legislation what wasn't there anyway (a red herring of advisory panels, in death panel logic you will not be advised or given any choice). Now we have people on the left saying that the only way 0bamacare will work is with death panels.
Blue blood is having the same effect. Driving them wild because it hit the nail on the head. You get the most flack when you are right over the target.
134 posted on
12/04/2010 10:18:27 AM PST by
(Tea Party did not send the GOP to D.C. to negotiate the terms of our surrender to socialism.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Whats the matter Karl? You can dish it out but can't take it. The 'blue bloods' comment was not only necessary but actually hit the target.
Go Sarah!
If you're receiving flak ... you're over the target!
136 posted on
12/04/2010 10:28:35 AM PST by
Liberty Valance
(Keep a simple manner for a happy life :o)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Shut up you liberal pimp!
To: ChicagoConservative27
Rove: "Every one of them is going to run as a Bush Republican by saying 'I want to continue to fight the war on terror' Perhaps, Karl, you should send your son Andy as fodder to Afghanistan.
167 posted on
12/06/2010 6:50:10 PM PST by
Keith in Iowa
(FR Class of 1998 | TV News is an oxymoron. | MSNBC = Moonbats Spouting Nothing But Crap.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
FNC would be wise to keep the fat, ugly Rove off their air.
Every time I see Rove on FNC, he appears to have gained a few more pounds and looks more and more like a villain from a Dickens novel.
I should also say that every time I see Rove on FNC, I either fast forward or change the channel.
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