It is sickening that for 40 years running these American children are being brought up under such horrific crime, education, and political circumstances.
It should be unacceptable to all...but what can be done?
Notice, than while Asian Americans are not noted as the most religiously Conservative Americans and not even predominately Christian, they none the less have the lowest rate of unwed mothers.
Culture dominates these outcomes, and the most influential cultural influences are those that dominate, in this order - our family, friends, and peers. Culture is as inherited as genetics and like genetics is “passed on” and reinforced via the family.
Destroy the family, de-link the individual from it and you reduce the cultural inheritance and influence of the family. American religious Conservatives know this, understand this and work against it - for their own religious reasons. But, THEY don’t own it, and others have their own good reasons for following the good advice that that understanding gives us all.
This is an easy one: Kid = welfare check. More kids = bigger welfare check. Plus assorted further “bennies.”
The underclass are largely populated by people of subnormal intelligance (IQ around 80). They are pretty much beyond redemption, although the fate of their children is not sealed.
The most promising overall strategy will be to build on strength-- strengthen the Black middle class and enable them to provide access to the real world for any Black youth with the capabilities to benefit.
This will require successful Blacks to begin to man up in numbers not yet seen.
If I were able to disburse funding, I would give it not to a bunch of chickenshit gubbermint social workers but rather to Black entrepreneurs who are willing to commit to staying in the vicinity of the untapped Black labor market.
Black men are the greatest untapped resource in America. We should expose and intensely comdemn liberals for destroying generations of these men, who could otherwise be strong members of the community.
Judging from Black political behavior, there's a great deal nobody talks about in the Black churches.