So would Breyer also ban drawing mohammed? That also seems to get them fired up among other things? Scary that this guy is on the court. He will have us bowing to islam before he is done.
Breyer also believes that international gun laws should take precedent over the 2nd Amendment.
Perhaps his next move is to ban provocative clothes on women in this country. It encourages rape, don’t ya know.
After all, this incenses muslims so much they require burkas on their women to keep their menfolk calm.
So, if we act violently...we get our way. Nice to know.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...”
If they can’t prohibit me from burning “Mein Kampf,” then they can’t do likewise for the Koran.
IF this scumbag(Breyer) prevails with this, I will join 500,000 Americans on a march to DC to burn 500,000 Koran’s.
He'd better be ready to ban flag/bible/etc. burning as well.
How bout wiping my ass with the koran or using it for target practice?
Will this black robed pudless wonder make a ruling on that...../s
I knew after 9/11 that the enemy within was far more dangerous than any ‘foreign’ enemy. Letting members of a death cult hate group [Islam] into the country in the first place is insane.
Letting liberals handle our national security is laughable. Most of them side with our enemies. They’re traitors. A serious house cleaning needs to be done before millions die and the left gets what it wants-—Totalitarianism.....A swing to hard tyranny.
Koran burning? HORRID! Muslims would get angry!
Perhaps Justice Breyer is open to banning koran burning, but I can guarentee him the quickest way to explode the incidents of such burning is to tell Americans that they cannot do so legally. Law of unintended consequences and all that...........
We are a nation at war and the Justice needs to take that into consideration that the "war" is fought on many fronts and many different battlefields.
Right now the battle is for freedom and if "political islam" is not stopped now then we will begin to lose our freedoms.
What a loon. The difference between trampling and terrorist attack is that trampling is a likely accident to occur when a crowd tries to get out of a theatre quickly. A terrorist act, though, would be the conscious decision to perform a criminal act.
“U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has expressed a willingness to ban protesters from burning the Koran as the modern day equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded theater.”
This will only encourage Koran burning, and I doubt the government will be able to enforce the ban.
For the unknowing, illinformed and the wary:
There is no such thing as moderate Islam.
All knowingly subscribe to Sharia which is a pillar of their societal structure.
When the founding fathers thought of America, their little baby, the last thing they wanted was an invasive force to stifle, smother it, and then overwhelm it and kill it.
Most people do not recognize that what happens in a mosque is sedition. Pure and simple. Islam is not just a religion, it is a cult. Larger than that though, it is a political system, it is its own government, a economic system (which includes funding new mosque construction), its judicial...all wrapped up in the word sharia. This is inclusive of its military (jihadis) all rolled into one with one intent ...and that is to rule wherever they take root. It is a invasive, systemic infection looking to take over the host once it has quantum.
This is not just a religion, but something that cloaks itself in those terms so it should not be given the same treatment contemplated under the first amendment. The Korans Sharia rules are to consume whatever government there is wherever it goes.
Islam is political, and its goal is to supplant and replace. Globally.
When the founding fathers thought of America, their little baby, the last thing they wanted was an invasive force to stifle, smother it, and then overwhelm it and kill it.
The sooner America learns this , the better. Some know and many do not, but it is a threat to everything America knows.
Obama? Obama and Company? Should be tried for treason in this issue for promoting the establishment of a foreign government on our soils. He is doing nothing to protect America as per his oath. Also, as a Muslim, he knows this, he know far better, he knows sharia, but is looking to deceive America.
For all interested...Wanna learn more?
On Sharia
On sharia global finance
On sharia global Economy and huge financial fraud!!!
Three things about Islam
and a little Bill Whittle
Maybe we should talk about the birth of Pakistan?
I really dislike having my money or seeing other American money spent through VISA, HSBC, AIG et. al. products etc to prop up attacks against us through their sharia products.
Intimidation works. Self-censorship borne out of fear is the worst, most insidious form of restrictions on free speech of all.
Breyer made it sound like Breyer on his own, or the Supreme Court, can ban Koran burning. They don’t have that kind of direct authority. In order for such a ban to be put in place, Congress would have to pass a law banning Koran burning, and the president would have to sign it. Then challenges to that law would have to make their way through the sludge-like federal court system. When, and only when, it reached the Supreme Court could people like Breyer rule it to be Constitutional. I just don’t see that happening. I don’t see Congress doing that, although no doubt BO would sign it (and I don’t think even BO is dumb enough to try to accomplish this by executive fiat). I think such a law would cause the kind of uproar that has elected officials fearing a quick end to their political careers, and would die a slow, painful death if proposed. Had they not long ago endorsed flag-burning, it might have had half a chance.
Don’t burn it, ban it. It’s a book of hatred urging murder. And it’s there in any language you translate it into.
Mohamed Atta carried just such a passage as his inspiration to kill.