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If Palin runs for president: Her strengths won't be a lot of help
The Chicago Tribune ^
| September 12, 2010
| Steve Chapman
Posted on 09/11/2010 1:25:26 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
click here to read article
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To: Virginia Ridgerunner
Impressive home page, Ridgerunner! (aka”newcomer”) heh, heh.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:08:24 PM PDT
To: UriÂ’el-2012
I do believe in free will - that’s why we have barry and every other evil roaming about .
I KNOW His voice and I know HIM and HE KNOWS me. You are about 20+ yrs too late with your preaching.
Remember, SARAH knows HIM, also. Just like Esther did. You don’t have HIM cornered for yourself. Don’t be an Elijah - as he thought/said he was the only one. He was cut down to size with that. Moreover he knew better. I trust you do, too.
To: ebshumidors
I was a poll watcher in Orange Mound in Memphis. Thank you for your service.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:09:58 PM PDT
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Yeah, what the Hell does he know about President Ronald Reagan compared to you? LOL Not much apparently. Reagan didn't quit. Reagan didn't whine about the unfair press. Regan didn't make excuses. Reagan just went out and won. And once he won, he led. Palin is no Ronald Reagan.
To: presently no screen name
Go back and re-read your statement above. It denies Free Will.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:12:16 PM PDT
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: Non-Sequitur
Palin is no Reagan.
Reagan son, Michael, totally disagrees with you. I think he knew his dad better than you. Don't you agree?
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Sooo many people still pissed that she didn’t ride in on a white horse and pull JD Buffoonâs chestnuts out of the fire against a backstabbing weasel. He was a lost cause. It is a shame however that those two were the best Arizona Republicans could come up with. McCain was going to spank JD’s goofy a$$ regardless of what Palin had or had not said.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:12:53 PM PDT
gov_bean_ counter
(Sarah Palin - For such a time as this...)
To: UriÂ’el-2012
Perhaps it’s the way you read things. I haven’t read one thing we agree on yet.
To: Non-Sequitur; 2ndDivisionVet
Not much apparently. Reagan didn't quit. Reagan didn't whine about the unfair press. Regan didn't make excuses. Reagan just went out and won. And once he won, he led. Palin is no Ronald Reagan. Amen Brother If they speak ill of her, she quits.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:14:55 PM PDT
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: libbylu
I know. She's very beautiful and she looks very young without her glasses. I think she has convinced herself that she needs the glasses to make her appear less glamourous, more her age, and more serious, but I wish she'd appear without them from time to time, if only to put that Tina Fey hag out of business.
Of course, when you look like Sarah, it's impossible not to look stunningly beeautiful.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:16:02 PM PDT
(If you support Sarah and want on her Ping List, let me know!)
To: Non-Sequitur
Sarah didn’t whine - She went AROUND THEM and pulled their deceitful rug from them! They still haven’t been able to get up and recover from their crushing blow. And neither have you, it’s seems.
To: UriÂ’el-2012
If they speak ill of her, she quits. After a shallow statement like that maybe you should fast forward to Proverbs.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:19:49 PM PDT
gov_bean_ counter
(Sarah Palin - For such a time as this...)
To: presently no screen name
Only God is worthy of our trust. However, He uses His people to perform HIS tasks Only if they are called by YHvH. I believe by reading His Word that we are in the End Times
and the only players on the world stage today work for the Evil One.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:19:54 PM PDT
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: presently no screen name
Reagan son, Michael, totally disagrees with you. I think he knew his dad better than you. Don't you agree? I disagree with his opinion.
To: onyx
I think Sarah Palin looks great with or without the glasses. I was looking for a pair of glasses like hers but haven’t found any.
To: Non-Sequitur
And you are completely entitled to your opinion. However I would think RR’s son is in a much better position to have an informed one than you.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:22:20 PM PDT
gov_bean_ counter
(Sarah Palin - For such a time as this...)
To: UriÂ’el-2012
"If they speak ill of her, she quits." If they file bogus ethics complaints against her on a daily basis that cost her millions of her own money to defend, she attacks in another direction. BTW, no one can file such complaints against a sitting president.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:23:03 PM PDT
(I don't need a newspaper to know the world's been shaved by a drunken barber.)
To: gov_bean_ counter
U-2012>If they speak ill of her, she quits. After a shallow statement like that maybe you should fast forward to Proverbs.
Open the whole Word and seek the face of YHvH.
posted on
09/11/2010 3:23:28 PM PDT
(Psalm 119:174 I long for Your salvation, YHvH, Your law is my delight.)
To: presently no screen name
Sarah didnt whine - She went AROUND THEM and pulled their deceitful rug from them! Of course she did.
You claim that only blindly following Palin can make one a conservative and I'm the one who can't see?
To: Berlin_Freeper
You are correct, I'm not a fan of Mc. Cain, but it could be said that this thread wouldn't even exist about Sarah, if it weren't for him.
And there are worse politicians than Mc. We have one in the White House....
posted on
09/11/2010 3:24:29 PM PDT
(As a former fetus, I'm opposed to abortion. Mamas don't let your cowboys grow up to be babies..)
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