Good. Maybe they won't run.
Hunter/Demint 2012
1 posted on
01/21/2010 10:07:19 PM PST by
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To: pissant
2 posted on
01/21/2010 10:09:42 PM PST by
Gene Eric
(Your Hope has been redistributed. Here's your Change.)
To: pissant
Just wait until the January unemployment numbers come in.
3 posted on
01/21/2010 10:09:52 PM PST by
(The amiable dunce is back, wearing a skirt and high heels.)
To: pissant
“Generic Republican Candidate” has no baggage while anyone you name, Republican or Democrat does have lots of baggage.
4 posted on
01/21/2010 10:09:56 PM PST by
(The Democrats are driving us to Socialism at 100 MPH -The GOP is driving us to Socialism at 97.5 MPH)
To: pissant
I don’t believe DeMint or Hunter has a chance.
Palin’s campaigning for McCain is deeply disappointing to me, however: his re-election could bring in amnesty before 2012, which could in turn get Obama re-elected.
I wonder, who is our most conservative sitting governor?
To: pissant
Surpised they didn’t an Obama v Brown poll.
Just think, if Mitt moves to California, we could have Romney/Brown in 2012.
9 posted on
01/21/2010 10:14:05 PM PST by
Reagan Man
("In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.")
To: Gene Eric; pissant
To: pissant
Saints be blessed, Huckabee NOT included.
13 posted on
01/21/2010 10:16:04 PM PST by
To: pissant
Here is the key fact about this poll:
“The national telephone poll was conducted for Fox News by Opinion Dynamics Corp. among 900 registered voters from Jan. 12 to Jan. 13. For the total sample, the poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.”
from the Fox article.
Registered voters are not likely voters. So the poll is meaningless, since we rarely get more than 65% of the registered voters to vote in a Presidential election. And, more Republicans vote than Democrats.
14 posted on
01/21/2010 10:16:29 PM PST by
(If you meet people with no brain, no heart and no courage, you are not in KS-You are in the Congress)
To: pissant
Where were they polling, Berkeley?
15 posted on
01/21/2010 10:16:38 PM PST by
(What does the global warming movement and the Fairtax movement have in common? Disinformation)
To: pissant
Seems about right. For some reason, the sheeple still seem to like this guy. Interesting that of the real choices, Palin gets clobbered by the widest margin, while Romney, while still beaten soundly, is the closest. What does that tell us about the relative appeal of these choices on a national level?
18 posted on
01/21/2010 10:16:57 PM PST by
To: pissant
Palin hasnt begun to run on Obamas old hope and change..
But America WANTS hope and change a real one..
Obama was and is a shill for the elite..
Palin has proved she has the will and can change bringing hope..
All that remains is for her to co-opt Obamas lieing gambit..
She can propose actual IDEAS for hope and change not merely rhetoric..
Wonder if shes THAT SMART TO SEE THIS..
NOT more gov't BUT LESS OF IT.. <<- HOPE and CHANGE..
19 posted on
01/21/2010 10:17:11 PM PST by
(This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole....)
To: pissant
20 posted on
01/21/2010 10:17:21 PM PST by
("laws requiring compulsory abortion could be sustained under the existing Constitution"Obama Adviser)
To: pissant
21 posted on
01/21/2010 10:17:38 PM PST by
("If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." Thomas Paine)
To: pissant
What this indicates is the success of pop culture and the lamestream media in destroying certain politicians with the ridicule and propagandist news coverage.
To: pissant
Yeah, that would be good. Sarah will be a force, on the ticket or not.
I like Inhofe, Bolton, Cheyney. How about Pence? Only seen him a few times but he looks good.
They all look better than the salamander and the chameleon.
24 posted on
01/21/2010 10:21:26 PM PST by
( Typical White Guy: Christian, Constitutionalist, Heterosexual, Redneck.)
To: pissant
Doctor Senator Tom Coburn (Oklahoma)- for a hemorrhaging nation
26 posted on
01/21/2010 10:23:06 PM PST by
To: pissant
Hunter isn’t going to happen.
DeMint wuld be a nice choice but unlikely.
Poll results are meaningless and they know it. As long as Obama polls below 50% he’s vulnerable to anyone that runs a good campaign.
To: pissant
We,, we know the "generic Republican isn't McCain.
Thank goodnes.
30 posted on
01/21/2010 10:24:52 PM PST by
(It doesn't matter what this tagline says...the liberals are going to call it "racist.")
To: pissant
To: pissant
Duncan Hunter loses 85-15.
39 posted on
01/21/2010 10:51:20 PM PST by
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