Has Guantanamo become a recruiting tool of Al Qaeda? A "tremendous" one? Has Zawahiri, Gadahn, anyone complained about Gitmo? Has any terrorist said, posted, what have you "I joined because of Gitmo?"
And was Gitmo an"explcit rationale" for formation of the sub group? All I can find about them is the usual jihadi stuff and that non-Muslim subhumans must leave, even ambassadors, from the Peninsula.
Obama is either confused or he thinks we’re all really dumb.
Obama, you stupid incompetent pathetic little man, there was no Gitmo when WTC 1, the two Embassies, the USS Cole and 9/11 attacks were perpetrated. You and your inept, dangerous administration are so incompetent you should all resign IMMEDIATELY.
The question that he’s begging is, why is Illinois Supermax NOT going to be a “recruiting tool”? The conditions of captivity will be exactly the same, only colder.