ACORN dumps data. CRU dumps data.
Must be tough to be a socialist these days, having to keep your finger on the self-destruct button all the time.
So much for the much ballyhooed AWG movement. It is quickly turning out to be a fraud on the scale of 0bama’s past and his ineligibility for office.
It would be nice to algore gored in the media, but that ain’t happenin’ either...
“The dog ate my homework” didn’t work for me. I wonder if it will work for these frauds. Probably will.
I’m gonna call “bullsh!t” on this one. I’ve worked with a lot of data driven researchers in my career, and none of them EVER “throws” their data away. EVER! Even if they move on to other projects, the old data is still stored, if necessary, at home in a closet. Shoot, I’ve helped colleagues move cases full of punch cards and 8” (!) floppy discs out of storerooms when space became too valuable. In fact, I know several colleagues who even saved all the data their mentors generated, long after said mentor died.
If these troglodytes did ditch their “data” it was only because they knew at the time they were engaged in scientific fraud. That is literally the only plausible explanation.
There once was a school named East Anglia
Whose emails became a real tanglia
they lied about where it gets hot
but to cut this Gordian Knot
is like trying to find balls on Camille Paglia
Oh, that’s good - the dawg ate their homework. Har de har har.
“Data? The dog ate it.”
So...they (CRU) lost much of the original data and apparently can’t recover it.
Version 2 of the database appears to have been a complete mess:
You can view the HARRY_READ_ME.txt file here:
It says, “You can’t imagine what this has cost me - to actually allow the operator to assign false
WMO codes!! But what else is there in such situations? Especially when dealing with a ‘Master’
database of dubious provenance (which, er, they all are and always will be).”
CRU admits to losing much of the original data. So where did version 3 come from? Not the original data since that was dumped. So did it come from the dubious version 2 data?
But in their press release CRU said version 3 fixed all the issues. If they say so.
Much has been written in scifi books over the years about the misdeeds of science and how the masses reacted to them. Now, we have Climatgate widening, H1N1 is clearly under scrutiny as a scientific plot or misdeed. Scientist would be well counseled to think about where they are taking their fields and approach ANY project cautiously. It could well be that we are on the verge of another purge of “black” artists. The average American does not understand jack about science and when push comes to shove the “scientist” could well take the shove back with very bad consequences.
“Honey, have you seen my raw data?”
“Oh, I threw that out”
“You THREW IT OUT??!!”
“Yeah, no matter how many times I washed it, I just couldn’t remove the “stains”!!”
Destroying evidence is a common criminal tactic...
I keep my family’s genealogy records. As such I’ve made all sorts of electronic copies of the old photographs and documents. Under no circumstances would I ever consider throwing away any of the original material. For these guys to claim it was thrown away for lack of space is a lie. I assume that the claim that it was thrown away in the ‘80s is a lie too. Thrown away or hidden when McIntyre asked for it is probably closer to the truth.