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Flurry of Obama Birth Certificate Stories breaking
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Posted on 07/20/2009 7:40:35 PM PDT by FreeAtlanta

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To: Kevmo

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,610,000 for obama+ birth certificate. (0.29 seconds)

busy busy...

161 posted on 07/21/2009 12:37:06 AM PDT by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum!)
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To: cranked; All; Spunky; ~Kim4VRWC's~; 1035rep; 2ndDivisionVet; 4woodenboats; 5Madman2; ...

AntiMullah articles

162 posted on 07/21/2009 2:56:15 AM PDT by FARS (Be happy, be well)
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I’m increasingly wondering . . .

maybe the oligarchy really has

set up OThuga to be trashed and thereby help start civil unrest making martial law all that easier to slip up the Republic’s rear.

163 posted on 07/21/2009 3:07:40 AM PDT by Quix (POL Ldrs quotes fm1900 2 presnt:
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To: PhilDragoo

164 posted on 07/21/2009 3:13:54 AM PDT by musicman (Until I see a REAL C.O.L.B. BC, he's just "PRES__ENT" Obama = Without "ID")
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To: Secret Agent Man
Good points all; however, this bit is not quite accurate:
"THIS IS THE REAL PROBLEM. Barack had to give up his US citizenship. You can’t get it back."

One can re-gain ones citizenship after renouncing it. Its done fairly regularly by expats who suddenly become 'un-disgruntled' with the USA after living outside.
165 posted on 07/21/2009 3:30:25 AM PDT by Tainan (Cogito, ergo conservatus)
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To: FreeAtlanta

And why do you think Zero wants to control the internet?

166 posted on 07/21/2009 3:34:56 AM PDT by JamesA (He who hesitates is lost.)
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To: Tainan
One can re-gain ones citizenship after renouncing it. Its done fairly regularly by expats who suddenly become 'un-disgruntled' with the USA after living outside.

I guess that makes them gruntled pats. Why does Saturday Night Live spring to mind, lol?

167 posted on 07/21/2009 3:34:58 AM PDT by RegulatorCountry
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To: ReignOfError

And what happens when such a minor child reaches the age of eighteen, does nothing to affirm US citizenship, attends university in the United States on foreign aid, and travels on a foreign passport, from a nation that did not permit dual citizenship?

168 posted on 07/21/2009 3:43:20 AM PDT by RegulatorCountry
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To: Secret Agent Man
Title 8, 1405, would make Obama eligible IF he was truly born in Hawaii, even if only 1 parent is a US citizen.

You need to explain how the following would make Obama "eligible?"

"A person born in Hawaii on or after August 12, 1898, and before April 30, 1900, is declared to be a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900. A person born in Hawaii on or after April 30, 1900, is a citizen of the United States at birth. A person who was a citizen of the Republic of Hawaii on August 12, 1898, is declared to be a citizen of the United States as of April 30, 1900."

TITLE 8 > CHAPTER 12 > SUBCHAPTER III > Part I > § 1405 has absolutely nothing to do with "natural born" citizenship status or presidential eligibility, but only "citizenship" while Hawaii was a territory.

169 posted on 07/21/2009 3:48:01 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: Son House
Obama’s American mother, Ann Dunham, separated from her first husband, Barack Obama Sr., in 1963 when the presidential candidate was two years old.

Actually, it was Obama Sr. that "separated" from Anna Dunham (to whom he may or may not have been married) on June 22nd, 1962, when Obama was 10 months old.

There is no evidence that Obama Sr. and Anna Dunham ever lived together except these bogus "birth announcements" that were "discovered" on July 22, 2008. The "birth announcement," in the "Births, Marriages, Death" section read: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Hwy., son, Aug. 4."

The problem is, Orland Scott and Thelma Lefforge owned and occupied the house at 6085 Kalanianaole Highway. The "Obamas" didn't live there.

The birth announcements were "found" just 10 days after the death of the owner -- how convenient.

No one on the island remembers the wedding or the birth of the child. No one ever saw Mr. & Mrs. Obama together with a baby.
170 posted on 07/21/2009 4:05:25 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: cripplecreek
What happens if Iran grabs some of our soldiers and puts them on trial and cites Obama legitimacy as evidence? Do we go to war so Obama doesn’t have to prove it? Does he allow the soldiers to go to trial in Iran to avoid proving his legitimacy?

I would expect that any actions we take would be to get the soldiers that were illegally seized in the first place.

171 posted on 07/21/2009 4:10:04 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Secret Agent Man

Title 8 1401 and Title 8 1405 only address citizenship.

These regulations have nothing whatsoever to do with determining “natural born” status.

172 posted on 07/21/2009 4:11:00 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: bigbob
we need a do-over

That happens in about 39 months.

173 posted on 07/21/2009 4:11:04 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: cookcounty
it would make him a natural born citizen if he was born in the US to one US citizen

Not possible.

Natural Born Citizen -- The Law

174 posted on 07/21/2009 4:12:23 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: panthermom
As I understand the US Code, if a person is adopted, as a child, by a foreigner in a foreign country, that person can affirm their US citizenship upon reaching 18 years of age.

However, there is a 6 month window. So if Obama was adopted, he would have been required to affirm his US citizenship between Aug 4, 1979 and Feb 4, 1980.

He was at Occidental College during this period.

175 posted on 07/21/2009 4:15:23 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: SpaceBar

Here is Sen. Patrick Leahy (piss be upon him) repeatedly stating that it takes two US citizen parents to make one a “natural born” citizen.

176 posted on 07/21/2009 4:18:26 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: Beckwith
Natural Born Citizen -- The Law

Except that there is nothing in the law that actually supports that. Nothing in the Constitution defines natural-born citizen. Nothing in the law or Supreme Court decision definitively defines it as what you say it is.

177 posted on 07/21/2009 4:19:09 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Beckwith
Here is Sen. Patrick Leahy (piss be upon him) repeatedly stating that it takes two US citizen parents to make one a “natural born” citizen.

Fortunately Pat Leahy doesn't decide what is Constitutional and what is not.

178 posted on 07/21/2009 4:20:02 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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To: Beckwith

You mean the same Occidental College he may have entered as a foreign exchange student?

179 posted on 07/21/2009 4:22:00 AM PDT by usmcobra (Your chances of dying in bed are reduced by getting out of it, but most people still die in bed)
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To: Beckwith
As I understand the US Code, if a person is adopted, as a child, by a foreigner in a foreign country, that person can affirm their US citizenship upon reaching 18 years of age.

No, other way around. The person can give up his citizenship when he or she reaches 18, not affirm it. If they were born in the U.S. then their citizenship is a birthright that cannot be taken away from them, cannot be given up on their behalf while they are a minor, and cannot be relinquished by accident - the action must be deliberate. And there is no window for that. An adult U.S. citizen can give up their citizenship at any time.

180 posted on 07/21/2009 4:23:01 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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