This is one politically hard-left Pope. Perhaps this explains his radical departure from the Catholic Church’s traditional position supporting biblical creation. Not only that, God specifically confused our tongues to keep us from forming a one world government. In addition, the Bible specifically states that it is Satan’s goal to set up a one world government to turn mankind against the one true God, and to use the power of this world government to specifically control the world economy, determining who gets to buy and sell, thus using this power to force the world to worship himself or face economic privation. Is it really possible that the Pope unaware of this?
>>In explicit and direct language, the Pope calls for a “true world political authority” to manage the affairs of the world. At the same time, however, the Pope also warns that such an international order could “produce a dangerous universal power of a tyrannical nature” and must be guarded against somehow.<<
If it’s such a bad thing, why create the problem in the first place?
Sorry folkd, but this is the Ratzinger of Vatican II. This is not a surprise.
And they question the intentions/judgment of Sarah Palin???