Yeah, what a guy. I bet he even prayed with the mothers of his victims.
Only the left could make this monster out to be a man of compassion.
Sorry folks, I feel no empathy for the degenerate Tiller. I hope he lived long enough to suffer the indignity and human rights violation of losing his life at the hands of another.
To feel empathy for Tiller is to feel empathy for Josef Mengele. Still it seems Tiller got off easy. It would have been better that he was disfigured and crippled and had to live with it as do so many babies who who survive abortion and have to live with a limb missing due to the Abortionists steely scalpel.
Funny he was at church. Christianity and abortion are wholly incompatible. One cannot be Christian and pro-abortion. Impossible.
God have mercy on the wretched ghoul.
PS: As for women’s “most desperate hour”, I would suggest that the hour of desperation is the time when a woman loses control over her reproductive organs and willfully lets a man use her as a puss dump. The truth is so simple yet so impossible for the leftist mind to entertain the notion of personal responsibility. Liberalism is a merciless mental disorder.
I do not condone violence done against this man.
It is my opinion that third trimester abortion is infanticide. Murder.
And what is the deal with this “Faith Aloud Clergy” thing? This is not a religious organization, it is ideological.
This just in Obama will speak at his funeral
How about they wait until we know for sure that it was a “pro-life” loon before the smearing of the pro-life movement begins? I know the Lamestream Media is chomping at the bit to frame all pro-lifers as crazies but I’m sure if this was done for a reason OTHER THAN a pro-life cause, the blogs will let us know.
Many here keep bringing up a “jealous husband”. Was this baby-killer a playboy or something?
What a creepy statement.
I’m going to puke.
I do not mourn this man dead. But, murder is not a fate for anyone, and the murderer is to be condemned. The tragedy is that the laws of this land allowed Dr. Tiller to practice his butchery beyond the reach of the law and within the warped moral praise of those like the Reverend Turner.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Tell the lefties: “The chickens have come home to roost!”
And I see they already got their “domestic terrorism” talking points. Here come the crackdowns, they were just waiting for something to hang it on, however flimsy.
Freep-mail me to get on or off my pro-life and Catholic List:
Please ping me to note-worthy Pro-Life or Catholic threads, or other threads of interest.
Obama Says A Baby Is A Punishment
Obama: If they make a mistake, I dont want them punished with a baby.
>> America cannot tolerate this kind of domestic terrorism.
However, OTHER kinds of domestic terrorism, like eco-terrorists, ACORN tire-slashers in Mineapolis, and so forth — THOSE are OK!
>> We must put an end to the hostile rhetoric
>> ...that fuels this kind of violence.
>> We must hold people accountable who bully women on the sidewalks of abortion clinics.
However, bullies who intimidate peaceful anti-abortion protestors on the (public) sidewalks of abortion clinics — now THOSE are OK.
just reading between the lines of what Rebecca says.
So... the question now for the murder suspect: Was he on any anti-depressants? It may be another case of someone off from their meds. Just a thought.
Dr. Tiller taught me so much about the spiritual concerns of his patients, said the Reverend Rebecca Turner, Executive Director of Faith Aloud. He was a kind, compassionate man who respected women and listened to them.”
No heresy, no wickedness, not even the devil himself, can succeed without first counterfeiting good virtue.
I missed it . . . where was it in the article? When did this piece of human debris go to chat with God? Today, yesterday, this week?
What a piece of garbage . . . I’m sure there’s room in hell for this filthy murderer. Too bad he didn’t have time to repent before the bullet reached him.
Yeah, it takes a real hero to induce labor in a late-term pregnancy, stick a pair of scissors in the back of a baby's head, and suck its brains out.
Desperate hour my a$$.
They are really blaming conservatives on DU over this horrible murder. That is a terrible thing to do. Isn’t it bad enough; this man was murdered?
Also, I think they have forgotten how many times they wanted George W killed.
I know darn well what I’m gonna find if I google “Faith Aloud” so I won’t even waste my time.