Rove, you remain a magnificent bastard.... our magnificent bastard.
As evil as Toricelli when he revealed the names of our covert agents, who were then murdered in the field.
a reflection on Eric Holder’s statement: “No one is above the law”, boy do i have to laugh whenever I see this printed, those dems sure dug their own grave when they appointed THIS clown. It will come back to haunt the entire Obama administration.
Releasing Top Secret CIA files USED to be treason...can a president be treasonous?
Perhaps the CIA would like to release that long form birth certificate, now.
Time to start making a list of people to prosecute once Obama leaves office. I vote to start with the Show Trial bunch.
“It is now clear that the Obama White House didn’t think before it tried to appease the hard left of the Democratic Party,” Rove said.
Rush points out that Odumbo IS the hard left of the Democrat Party.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...
The Obamanation is becoming a Obamananna Republic
In the words of Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez; “If you’re going to shoot shoot don’t talk.”
If The Pres was being paid specifically to destroy our country he could not be doing a better job. Oh, maybe he IS being paid to destroy our country. Hmmm......
2007: Torture update: What did Nancy Pelosi know and when did she know it?
Today we have this ...FR Thread:
Pelosi: I didn't know about waterboarding
And a few days ago we have this:
“It is now clear that the Obama White House didn’t think before it tried to appease the hard left of the Democratic Party,” Rove said.”
Doesn’t Rove know that the Obama White House is the hard left?