I just saw that. Made me want to blech!!!!!
He’s a pillow biter. I am surprised he hasn’t called Lady Prejean a “C” yet.
He’s an embarassment to Fox. Beck should replace Shep’s time slot.
Maybe it’s Maybelline
He was ramping up the hate. What a tool.
He acts as though he has some kind of moral authority.
Has he run over anybody lately?
He’s a punk.
I believe he lives in NY.
u would think he would understand that it would be one of the first places (and it already has been hit, twice) they would want to level flat to the ground and pounded to dust.
he has reservations about using caterpillars to scare the nuts into telling us about intended attacks? I don’t get it.
He was on McCallum’s show earlier with the judge and he ws ripping off some Dummie talking points...
“Cheney wants full memos released, huh? Why didn’t he release full memos about yellow cake... This coming from an admin that cherry picked ...”
I think he’s off his meds today.
He doesnt torture- he just runs people down with his car
he’s having his monthly
Mascara alert!
Just another bed wetter.
FAIRIES surround us.
When O won Shep looked like the prom queen he was so excited.
I was watching it too, thought I might get to see him cry like back with Katrina... phony little tool.
That's right....we waterboard our enemies, and that isn't torture. Torture happens when bones get broken, nails get ripped out, skin is burned or removed, or testicles get crushed. Torture leaves scars (assuming that you live).
I don't understand how it is that we have come to let our enemies (McCain, Obama, etc) use their defination of torture.
Shep is a widdle pouty wuss. Between he and Judith Miller, Cliff May couldn’t get a word in edgewise.
So sanctimonious. So self-righteous. So indignant.
I wonder how either of them would feel if they had to face imminent death unless someone in an adjoining room gave it up to Jack Bauer.
I have a grown son in Washington DC and another one living in the upper west side of Manhattan. Don’t talk to me about caterpillar fear, and that we should be sure to inform the perp that this widdle caterpillar is not poisonous.
He lost me months ago when he was doing a bit on Hamas and had to add the gutteral pronounciation KKKHHAMMMAAAASSSS!
He looked and sounded like an idiot!