...but none of the left that supported terrorists for the past eight years should have anything done to them? :(
Ann Coulter has done the same thing from the Conservative side and gotten raked over the coals for it.
Let them keep saying stuff like this, it only makes us look good in comparison. Reasonable people - even ones who don’t necessarily like or agree with Limbaugh - will be driven away by outbursts like this.
Stuff like this was, I believe, why Bush won an outright majority in 2004, despite presiding over an unpopular war which was at its nadir. All the “Bush = Hitler” and Chimpy pictures painted such a totally inaccurate picture that even his more level-headed critics had to admit it was all baloney.
With the liberal fascists in full cry, how long before they demand that the military take the oath not to the Constitution, but to the Obamafuhrer himself?
Why of course comrade! Sheesh...why hadn’t freedom/life loving people thought of this? /sarcasm
enough of this crap...where are the pictures of the crybabies...THAT is what I want to know
I want to see the look on her face when someone suggests that she should be executed for exercising her 1st Amendment rights.
The left has moved a long way from “dissent is patriotic” in a very short time.
If one of us was to even *hint* that we’d like to see a prominent member of the oposition ‘executed’, the police would be at our door before we could click on “POST”.....
No double-standard here, is there??
The charge of treason is thrown around wildly on both sides of the political spectrum without any concern for what it really means. Which really surprises me since the definition of treason is right there in Article III of the Constituton.
Where do these sick nitwits come from. Is this the real left? Sounds like it, doesn’t it. America, wake up!
And the last 8 years of them crying for Bush’s blood, should they all be rounded up and tried for treason?
Goodness, what hypocrites. The ocular logs are mighty big.
If they execute Rush for wanting Obama to fail, to we get to execute all of the liberals who wanted Bush to fail?
SOMEBODY should be executed for treason — but it won’t be Rush.
And I call her a speech commie nazi, and SHE is traitorous!
Executed for treason is probably a subject that
Bill Clinton would rather you didn’t bring up...
She's a just another boring, unfunny lefty that resorts to "shocking" rhetoric to compensate for her drastic lack of talent. She has the intellectual capacity of a kumquat. No wonder the Left supports the Fairness Doctrine. She's an example of the no-talent hosts on Airhead America.
She was on KFI in LA years ago and was beyond pathetic. Evidently, nothing has changed.
You know, the thing that bothers me about this is the overt assault on Capitalism. The left has somehow attached Capitalism to GWBush and keeps riding the ‘Look where that got us” train at every turn.
The grain of hope is that there does seem to be some ground being gained by pointing out all the times that Obama’s plans have been tried all over the world with a 100% failure rate.
LRS: Well, Larry, knowing what people know now, if you could go back into time, would you not wish for the failures of Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, etc. etc.?
We wonder how people, smart professional people, were absorbed into the evil of 1938 and during other periods of insane despotism and cruelty, and became supporters of it
Civility is only skin deep in some