Posted on 01/30/2009 11:40:26 AM PST by lewisglad
RE: “Now that hes Obamas chief of staff, the Republicans have him to poke at for at least four years.”
“Wanna bet?”
Agree — Rahmie will likely screw up so badly that Obambi will oust him fairly quickly. There’s always “hope!”
In a year and a half.
Is it possible for a puppet to oust the guy who holds the strings?
RE: “Is it possible for a puppet to oust the guy who holds the strings?”
Well, there’s always HOPE for CHANGE if Rahm behaves really badly! :)
The eight years Liberals loathed and despised Bush will seem like kindergarten play compared to how conservatives feel about these socialists and their game plan to destroy the USA. The Liberal God’s Administration and Liberal’s overt disdain for “our” country, “our” Constitution, “our” military, Israel, religion, and the American people in general, along with their disregard for our security makes loathing and despising them child’s play.
Great post potlatch!
Vote Against Obama’s Stimulus Package
Stop the waste of America’s tax dollars
Please tell your elected officials to oppose the $825 billion ‘American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009’, commonly known as the stimulus bill, now making its way through Congress. This legislation is packed with pork, supports leftwing political groups such as ACORN and will increase the national deficit to more than $2 trillion dollars which future generations will have to repay.
The House plans to vote on this package Wednesday with the Senate expected to vote later this week.
isn’t mr. imanuel the guy who said that republicans can go f’k themselves? that millions of registered republicans can go f’k themselves? the same guy who has a responsible position in government, the united states government, and tells his fellow citizens, whom he helps represent, to go ‘fk themselves? is he that very same fellow?
Post-Partisanship You Can Believe In
(a look back to who voted for President Bush’s Tax Cuts, 2001)
“.....The bill passed the House by a vote of 240 to 154, with 28 Democrats and an independent joining all Republicans in voting yes. The Senate then passed it by a vote of 58 to 33.
Twelve Democrats joined 46 Republicans in support of the bill in the Senate. Two Republicans John McCain of Arizona and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island voted against it on a day when some members of Congress had already left town for the holiday weekend. ...”
[snicker, snicker, snicker]
I agree !
Thank you devolve.
I agree. The less these boneheads get done, the better off the whole country is
It does matter.
It inspires the dispirited base, and gave a
cocky BHO a loss (for all his across-the-
aisle calculating and schmoozing)for his grand
messianic, triumphic week of oozing successes
(if you listen to the press).
Super !! (swiped ........ ;)
Thanks, glad you liked them!
"He said, These guys will roll over, they're afraid of being called the party of No. Believe me, I know them. They'll be easy."
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