Okay, give me $5 and I promise not to go.
Save the five dollars to buy the book of Barack Obama cutout dolls in Border’s. It also has a Michelle figurine in her wedding dress.
Grand prize; You don’t hafta go, no way.
Everything about the Liberal God is low class, corrupt, sleaze, and enough to make me throw up. I won’t watch that pile of manure on TV, radio, newspaper, magazine, or anywhere else his arrogant face appears. It’s going to be a long four years of media blackout at my house. That human waste has absolutely nothing to say that I care to hear or believe.
I would not pay one red cent to see this imposter take the oath to an office most of us think he is not entitled to hold. Not interested in any of thos coins they hawk on tv either.
Please note that they didn't say anything about "expenses paid"!
Smacks of an old, 1960s, San Francisco radio station (KSFO, IIRC) prank contest:
"First prize, 1 week vacation in Tracy; 2nd prize, 2 week vacation in Tracy!"
Dang Obama still nickel and diming his flock?
I finally got my point across to stop spamming me.
I wrote and wrote to take me off Obama/Kerry/Biden/Clinton spam e mails for money.
Then a few weeks ago ranted here at FR about the non stop give me some money dem spams.
Have not got any spam now for a week.
Next they’ll be auctioning off raffle tickets to reclaim foreclosed houses.
I can’t believe they are so eager to take from hard-working Americans - or maybe I can’t believe that hard-working Americans buy into it. Oh, wait.......
Sorry...I’m trying to recovery from the robbery by the government bailout. I need that five dollars for a loaf of bread.