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Peeking Out From the McCain Wreckage: Mitt Romney
New York Observer ^ | November 6, 2008 | Steve Kornaki

Posted on 11/07/2008 6:20:56 AM PST by Leisler

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To: Leisler

from Firelight:

“What Nicole Wallace is really asserting is that Washington veteran AB Culvahouse failed at his job by not recognizing crazy.

Here is the process Mr. Culvahouse put Gov. Palin thru

Here is Culvahouse (who looked into the background of Pawlenty, Romney etc... in the search for McCain’s VP) had to say about Palin:

Here is Mr. Culvahouse answering questions about Palin and vetting:

There is no way that Mr. Culvahouse would have overlooked such a detail as Wallace claims. This is just another case of sour grapes. Nicole was a total and complete failure in her job on the McCain campaign and she needs someone to blame. In fact, to be so arrogant and ignorant to think that as a staffer you could even suggest removal of a constitutional position tells me that Nicole is the crazy one.”

161 posted on 10/05/2011 1:48:50 PM PDT by GlockLady ( If you're going to make change, you're going to piss people off. And, Sarah doesn't care. - Todd)
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To: GlockLady

Here is the process Mr. Culvahouse put Gov. Palin thru
Here is Culvahouse (who looked into the background of Pawlenty, Romney etc... in the search for McCain’s VP) had to say about Palin:

Here is Mr. Culvahouse answering questions about Palin and vetting: (Usually 19 vetting questions are asked, they asked 74.)
Vetting part 1:
Vetting part 2:

162 posted on 10/05/2011 2:23:43 PM PDT by GlockLady ( If you're going to make change, you're going to piss people off. And, Sarah doesn't care. - Todd)
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To: GlockLady

Wow. This really brings back some memories.

163 posted on 03/09/2016 10:34:20 AM PST by mabelkitty (Trump 2016! #NoDNoR - Send Congress packing - third party in 2016!!)
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