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Powell endorses Obama for president-
calls Democrat ‘transformational figure’
| 10.19.2008
Posted on 10/19/2008 7:56:13 AM PDT by JustTheTruth
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To: JustTheTruth
He doesn’t believe Palin is qualified to be president but he thinks Obama is? Powell, I never though you were qualified to be sec of state.
Again, why do so called intelligent people not see through this guy? Because there are scales on their eyes.
To: JustTheTruth
Karl Marx was a tranformational figure.
Ayatollah Khomenei was a transformational figure.
Fidel Castro was/is a transformational figure.
Barrack Obama is a....
Just sayin’.
posted on
10/19/2008 8:31:44 AM PDT
("Libertarianism is the heart and soul of conservatism." - Ronald Reagan)
To: teletech
“will never again be accepted as a Republican”
-——I like the idea of a website which enumerates
, takes to task, and proves just who “deserves to have
their medals stripped”, as in the time-honored military
way, done in a public ceremony. These days it would be
a cyber-ceremony, but would have to go further than what
we have now, which is just flinging around the word “RINO”. Notice how many RINOs there are, and maybe one
“DINO” , who I guess would have to be Joe Leiberman.
To: teletech
How would you like to have this kind of "general" (small g intended),
lead you into battle?
As a never-served and having been blessed with peace due to the
sacrifice of men/women that even Colin Powell led...
Responding is probably "above my paygrade".
BUT...I still will say I'd prefer (historically/hypothetically)
and Ike/Patton/Bradley/Stormin' Norman.
Powell IS a disgrace!
He sold his country AND his party out for his race.
IMHO,Powell is ajust very, very sad example of a lack of spine
and moral conviction.
To pick a Marxist lawyer-cum-"community organizer" over A MAN
that suffered daily for years for having served his country...
just about "unforgiveable".
To pick Obama over McCain (even McCain "warts and all") tells
us some very unpleasant truths about Colin Powell.
(and I'm going easy on Powell by using some eupehmisms)
posted on
10/19/2008 8:34:13 AM PDT
To: bushfamfan
At the end of the Revolutionary War, the traitor Benedict Arnold was hated by both countries. Such is the fate for this traitor.
posted on
10/19/2008 8:35:44 AM PDT
(Let the lord of the black land come forth...let justice be done upon him!)
To: JustTheTruth
Has General Powell carefully reviewed Senator Obama’s background records—much like he would have had to do if he was promoting someone in the Military?
Public statements come with a great responsibility.
To: JustTheTruth
posted on
10/19/2008 8:36:29 AM PDT
Colonial Warrior
(Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction.)
To: Gaffer
“transformational figure”
Now I’m totally confused. Was he endorsing Michael Jackson?
To: Lawdoc
Socialism? Powell is in for cronyism. To get his and his family in on the ground floor of our coming years of tyranny.
posted on
10/19/2008 8:38:57 AM PDT
To: JustTheTruth
said in an interview on NBCs Meet the Press that he was not supporting Obama because of his race.Of course not. Powell is supporting Obama because of his impressive resume & obvious love for his country.
What I wanna know is how did we survive the years Powell was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs?
posted on
10/19/2008 8:39:27 AM PDT
To: Wilum
The only downside to Senator McCain choosing Governor Palin is that Senator Government and the liberal media will loose this election.
posted on
10/19/2008 8:39:54 AM PDT
("People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence")
To: JustTheTruth
Stressing that Obama was a lifelong ChristianIs Baraq Hussein a lifelong American citizen?
posted on
10/19/2008 8:39:56 AM PDT
To: supremedoctrine
-I like the idea of a website which enumerates , takes to task, and proves just who deserves to have their medals stripped, as in the time-honored military way, done in a public ceremony. These days it would be a cyber-ceremony, but would have to go further than what we have now, which is just flinging around the word RINO. Notice how many RINOs there are, and maybe one DINO , who I guess would have to be Joe Leiberman. Powell's weak justification for his endorsement of obama is nothing more that a man playing the race card. PERIOD!
posted on
10/19/2008 8:40:15 AM PDT
(Friends don't let friends vote DemocRAT)
IMHO,Powell is ajust very, very sad example of a lack of spine and moral conviction. To pick a Marxist lawyer-cum-"community organizer" over A MAN that suffered daily for years for having served his country... just about "unforgiveable". Powell is a racial SELLOUT and NOTHING MORE!
posted on
10/19/2008 8:42:14 AM PDT
(Friends don't let friends vote DemocRAT)
To: JustTheTruth
Colin Powell reveals his racism!!
posted on
10/19/2008 8:42:30 AM PDT
(I) (Never forget the Republicans who voted for illegal immigrant amnesty in 2007!)
To: JustTheTruth
Where's that guy that was on FR yesterday saying that" Powell was a true friend of McCain's and would never come out for Bozo because he is a a true gentleman and a conservative at heart!", not an exact quote but close enough. I expected the POS to come out for Bozo, but he screwed up and left something for McCain to hit him with he if will, that is the fact he donated 2300 bucks to McCain in the primaries. If he is so disgusted with the Republicans why did he do that? I'll tell you why, he thought Hillary would win the Dem Primary that's why. It isn't the Republican party he suddenly hates, it is the fact he is a racist SOB just like 90 percent of all blacks. If Hillary had won he wouldn't be endorsing her, he wouldn't have "suddenly" found out he didn't like the Republicans anymore(truth is he has been a mole in our party)it is the fact his man Godfrey(old movie reference)is the nominee and it looks like he is losing, therefore they bring out the big guns.
If Joe the Plumber hadn't shown up he never would have blown his cover.
posted on
10/19/2008 8:42:36 AM PDT
To: JustTheTruth
Powell endorses Obama for president- calls Democrat transformational figure
posted on
10/19/2008 8:42:50 AM PDT
(CA: YES on PROP 4. *** MCCAIN-PALIN ***)
To: LottieDah
Hitler was a transformational figure too, wasn’t he? And Stalin...hell, he transformed Russia into a nation which murdered millions of its own citizens. Of course, with the Obamessiahs resume, it’s a little difficult to come up with good things of actual substance. But transformational??!!
posted on
10/19/2008 8:43:49 AM PDT
To: JustTheTruth
Transform the military into a fourth rate outfit
Transform the economy into a Soviet type failure
Transform national security into a social welfare social engineering outfit
Transform the middle east into a bloodbath for Israel.
posted on
10/19/2008 8:45:42 AM PDT
(she's all out of caribou.............but does have a bracelet!!!!)
To: JustTheTruth
Why is it Mr. Powell that Barack Hussein Obama is never referred to as an evil American infidel by angry muslims around the world? /p>
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