Oh please.
Works for me. Seems the Obama campaign is “taking the bait” with Palin’s Ayers attack.
A week spent discussing Ayers and Charles Keating is better than a week discussing economic upheaval.
McCain better hit Obama with this guy:
Wasn’t McCain found not guilty in the Keating Five Scandal? Unlike Obama’s association with an admitted domestic terrorist.
Expect the MSM to discover “new” information about the scandal and it’ll be wall-to-wall for a week or so. They must defend THE ONE at all costs. They’ve already sold their integrity and objectivity completely for Obama.
Wasn’t McCain found not guilty in the Keating Five Scandal? Unlike Obama’s association with an admitted domestic terrorist. Besides, that was a long, long time ago and is no longer relevant.
ooooooooooooo scawee
If Obama doesn’t want to talk about Ayers...maybe we can talk about his association w/ slumlords (above link)
McCain himself, through his campaign, made it pretty clear today what he intends to do about this. BRAVO!.
The last four weeks of this election will be about whether the American people are willing to turn our economy and national security over to Barack Obama, a man with little record, questionable judgment, and ties to radical figures like unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers. Americans need to ask themselves if theyve ever befriended an unrepentant terrorist, or had a convicted felon help them buy their house because those arent smears, those are true facts about Barack Obama. Tucker Bounds, spokesman McCain-Palin 2008
The real question is what the American people will do...and with Sarah out there all over the country, that is becoming more and more clear with each passing day.
He was exonerated of any wrong doing early on. Let Bambi try, he’s just taking the bait.
I hope he tries it. This one will bite Obummer on the butt with facts. Unfortunately for the Anointed One, the facts about HIM and his associates are true
Obama’s plans will backfire in two ways.
1) The facts are not on his side. McCain was one of two senators completely acquitted.
2) All this attack politics turns off the center and makes it a base on base war. This country is still (partisan-wise) more conservative than liberal. 38% to 19%.
I hope McCain runs an ad with Obama side-by-side with his rhetoric during the primaries—”I see one America”—with his rhetoric now—”Conservatives are the enemy”.
Transformational politican my ass. If Obama loses (and deat god I hope its still possible), he will disappear in history as a far-left quack senator from a liberal cul-de-sac in Chicago.
Unless you counterattack with Obama’s much more recent involvement with Raines, Fannie, Ayers, and the large donations he got from several financial organizations, this WILL STICK.
Why doesn’t McCain go on the offensive with the Keating “scandal?” or is it better to at least act like he’s hiding info?
"Senator Obama, my association with Charles Keating was an unfortunate mistake in my personal judgment, very earlier in my career in the Senate, 20 years ago when I was much younger. Even though I was an inexperienced Senator at the time, just learning how Washington worked, I should have listened to my inner voice and followed my personal instincts instead of playing Washington's political game. I've sense gained a great deal of experience, and learned never to compromise my principles. And that's why we shouldn't entrust the Presidency to 47-year-old Senators with very limited experience to run this country!"
Been there done that - vetted long ago - old news.
Gee I guess that trumps being palling around with a terrorist. tee heee tee hee
Another “BRING IT ON” moment.