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Ban Of Device By ATF Triggers Inventor's Ire (NRA Alert) ^
| 12/26/2007
Posted on 12/26/2007 8:43:59 AM PST by devane617
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To: devane617; Joe Brower
Besides mailing in all recoil springs in stock and his customer list, the agency demanded that Akins send an affidavit to each customer to account for all the devices sold. The recipients had to sign the document and return it to the ATF with the removed springs. Even if I agreed w/ BATF's position on this (which I don't), they have no right to do this. They can't just demand ordinary citizens relinquish property because they decide, ex post facto, that owning said property is illegal.
What the hell kind of country are we living in?
posted on
12/26/2007 10:31:34 AM PST
(Welcome to O'Malleyland. What's in your wallet?)
To: tiger-one
Screw the NRA, they are cowards. I am not renewing my membership to them.
posted on
12/26/2007 10:34:44 AM PST
(Welcome to O'Malleyland. What's in your wallet?)
To: onja
In all fairness, if automatics are illegal, this accelerator should too.
But the guy is right, his device doesn't meet the description of the banned weapons. This is the old ploy of enforcing what the left thinks the law SHOULD HAVE SAID rather than what it says.
posted on
12/26/2007 10:36:38 AM PST
(From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put.)
To: tiger-one
posted on
12/26/2007 10:44:39 AM PST
fish hawk
(The religion of Darwinism = Monkey Intellect)
To: devane617
The ATF are jack booted thugs. Who kept them in business? A Republican Congress and White House.
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
posted on
12/26/2007 10:44:41 AM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: Lurker
"..These guys are making it up as they go along.""
They are the worst. I would like to see them prosecute a robber who uses a sawed off shotgun, but they would rather prosecute one who merely possesses one. Their main function is to perpetuate themselves and persecute.
To: DaveLoneRanger
DaveLoneRanger said:
"I dont agree with this thing being legal, ..." Could you explain which things should be legal and how you decide? Is the Second Amendment involved at all?
posted on
12/26/2007 11:21:26 AM PST
William Tell
(RKBA for California ( - Volunteer by contacting Dave at
To: PeteB570
Just looking at the video DB provided I would say the device modifies the action around the sear. The report mentions springs. Id guess the device bumps the sear down before it can engage the bolt.W.T.F.?? The sear is inside, the AA is external and does not enter the insides where the sear is. Are you stumping for the BATFE? a plant?
It works on exactly the same principal as the "Helfire" and other completely legal devices. It uses the recoil motion to release and re-depress the trigger, simulating full auto, in a semi-auto action, which, by statute, is completely legal. In order for the BATFE to legally ban these they need to take the NFA law that defined "automatic" or "full automatic" back to congress to get it changed to what they want it to say. Until then, the device is legal, no matter how badly they want it to be otherwise....
posted on
12/26/2007 11:29:22 AM PST
(Support Duncan Hunter for the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. He is THE conservative candidate!!)
To: LimaLimaMikeFoxtrot
Mr. Akins is a former Marine. The correct phrase, and one we prefer is "Marine Veteran". One can be a Marine Veteran, and still be a D-Bag, ala Mr. Murtha.
posted on
12/26/2007 11:29:52 AM PST
Turbo Pig
( close with and destroy the enemy...)
To: fish hawk
Then of course any of you NRA haters can always start your own Gun Lobby instead of cry-babying about the one we already have.Don't need to.... Already donate to and support GOA, an organization that fights for my rights...
posted on
12/26/2007 11:31:18 AM PST
(Support Duncan Hunter for the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. He is THE conservative candidate!!)
To: logic
Your post sounds like a Duncan Hunter Supporter
posted on
12/26/2007 11:33:17 AM PST
(Guns, what real men want for Christmas)
To: logic
That’s great. The more Lobbying and gun clubs out there is better for all. Of course NRA is the biggest with the most clout.
posted on
12/26/2007 11:33:40 AM PST
fish hawk
(The religion of Darwinism = Monkey Intellect)
To: devane617
posted on
12/26/2007 11:34:49 AM PST
To: onja
In all fairness, the ATF originally said this was okay. The guy went ahead based on lawyers, ATF decisions, and research to go ahead with this.
It is BS to change the rules in the middle of the game. They set this guy up. It’s their fault, not his.
To: PeteB570
Good!! I was afraid no-one would figure that out with my confusing and ambiguous tagline..... :)
posted on
12/26/2007 11:43:51 AM PST
(Support Duncan Hunter for the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. He is THE conservative candidate!!)
To: CodeToad
“The NRA is about keeping the NRA in business. It never was about the 2nd amendment.”
This is true for most organizations that hire professionals to run them. They have no interest in the organization only the connections they can develop and how much of the organization they can permanently take over for financial gain. Sounds a lot like the modern corporation, damn the stockholders (members) whose money(Right) is at risk.
To: logic
That I stole from another freeper btw...
posted on
12/26/2007 11:44:21 AM PST
(Support Duncan Hunter for the 2008 GOP presidential nominee. He is THE conservative candidate!!)
To: rightwingextremist1776
He should publish his design drawings under his 1st amendment rights...let them try to stop THAT....
He did. Google: “patent 6,101,918”
posted on
12/26/2007 11:55:18 AM PST
Atlas Sneezed
("We do have tough gun laws in Massachusetts; I support them, I won't chip away at them" -Mitt Romney)
To: LouAvul
What I want to know is, when are America's gun owners going to stand up for their/our constitutional rights and demand Congress eliminate useless govt bureaucracy? Never.
posted on
12/26/2007 12:15:55 PM PST
Clint Williams
(Read Roto-Reuters -- we're the spinmeisters!)
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