In all honesty, one would hope that the best and the brightest are those who actually go to college and learn something. Apparently these "some" which should actually be classified as "most" are nothing more than the same bumbling morons going in as going out.
This is the education from the best and the brightest. This is the new American. Welcome to what SHOULD BE Premium Education.
Then again, these are the products of the drunk, marajuana-burning, trash-bags called "University Professors".
It goes deeper than that.
I spent several semesters as an adjunct professor at a major state school, teaching an upper division course in advertising.
To my dismay, at the very first class session I discovered that only six out of 36 students could correctly solve a simple division problem -- even with the use of a calculator.
In a business writing course, the objective was to get students to the point where they could compose one intelligible paragraph -- without misspellings or grammatical errors -- in one semester.
The students were, for the most part, bright eyed and eager to learn. Problem was: Nobody had ever taught them anything.
Left-wing university professors intent on indoctrinating rather than teaching are one thing. A public education system that doesn't provide a functional "reading, writing and 'rithmatic" competency is quite another.
Hah! Yer all as dumb as me are!
It does seem a bit much to assume that colleges can take up the slack for the inadequacies of primary education. Remedial classes are, after all, an attempt to remediate a previous failure. It strikes me that this sort of thing is better addressed by simply denying admission to the ignorant, but then that's judgmental, isn't it? Discriminatory? Those are Bad Words.
Tortured prose ping.
Add to that the lack of real teaching that goes on in the public schools, and the kids don't stand a chance.