I'm really doubting the 2 billion figure they're putting out considering that 2 billion people in the world don't even have electricity. It was a good day yesterday, almost everyone I know went out.
I think many folks are put off by the climate issue, the global warming thing. If nothing else comes of it, perhaps people might have more respect for the earth and its resources. Or not.
According to polls I’ve seen over the past 2 weeks+/-, an overwhelming majority of Americans place global warming at the bottom of their list. This “concert” was a staged, overhyped event orchestrated by the media and the dems to take the spotlight away from their weak points. Terrorists, taxes and immigration. No matter what dems attempt, immigration is the key note for ‘08.
Well, what do they consider “watching” the event on TV? About 3 of my cable channels were showing it. I flipped past and watched for about 20 seconds before I couldn’t stand anymore. [Madonna reeks.] Did I “watch”?
Hmmm. If I had to hazard a guess, based on the poor physical attendance of the shows, I'd say less than 0.05% of those available watched.
what is live earth?
Lawrence Solomon's "The Deniers" (a series of articles on the view of scientists who have been labelled "Global Warming Deniers"):
Other References:
So, as suspected, Al and his Celebretard Circus busted.
yes, that’s exactly what I need to hear. . . the opinion of a bunch of high school dropout hypocrites. I wouldn’t care if hollywood burned to the ground and all these jackholes were on street corners holding signs saying “will pretend for food.” In fact, it sounds like a good idea.
This might be Gore’s Chappaquiddick moment...such an atrocious lie that he will never recover.
I read earlier that during Madonna’s ‘special’ song, when the lyrics with “S” came on the screen, they turned into dollar signs. Subliminal or not, that is so damned lame!!
They were claiming that 2 billion figure all DURING the concert ..
I wish people would stop spouting off presumptuous nonsense like that. I spoke with a missionary a few months ago who said there are cell phones all over in Africa. They might have to charge them using the village's only generator each night, but that doesn't mean two thirds of the Earth's population is disconnected from 'the rest of the world.'
Probably the two billion people claim is based on radio broadcasts of the same. But I doubt people were interested in Gore's show through that medium either.
Cat Stevens supposed sang. He is now supposedly Yusef Islam. Let’s see, a man who supports a death warrant against Salmon Rushdie, and who is reportedly a supporter of terrorists/Islamists in the Middle East who wish to exterminate Israel. al-Gore thinks this man is worthy of respect and attention?
I hope Gore runs this time.
One point - According to Rasmussen, 22% said they followed the NEWS COVERAGE about live Earth closely. That’s not the music.
There are probably quite a few interested in global warming, who didn’t watch or listen to the concert because they can’t stand the music. There are probably also young people who watched the concert for the music who don’t care diddlysquat about global warming.
You know when you see the LIVE(Fill-in-the-blank) Concert, an issue is headed for obscurity.
People who are inclined to care go to the concert, enjoy themselves, and think it is a good thing they solved whatever problem that was...
Everybody else just ignores them.
Nice to see that many sheeple are catching on and realizing that “global warming” is a scam. I also think people are somewhat reluctant to listen to a bunch of rich, hypocrite, retard celebrities lecture about “carbon footprint” when they fly around in private jets and own 10 houses.
Ping. bahblah already posted it.