Typical - not surprising, this is what the federal government does best - believe the tagline!
The Ordot dump has been scheduled for closure for 20+ years and the locals can't decide where to move it, thus costing mounting fines by the EPA. The Guam Public School System is a federal money pit that can compete with any pork program in the US. The island's infrastructure is in such disarray, because of no planned maintenance programs, it will take the Federal government to come in AGAIN to rebuild it.
The only governmental corruption cases to be prosecuted and won were cases brought by Federal prosecutors because the local judicial system can not convict their own, such as x-governor Carl T.C. Gutierrez.
The taxpayers need to know exactly how much money has already been spent on Guam.
The people of Guam need to stop depending on their Uncle Sam for their government officials incompetence.
>>My rep’s office could not explain to me why we’re spending Americans’ money to compensate Guam for what Japan did.<<
Starting with American Holocaust suriviors, the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, part of the department of Justice has pursued claims like this 43 times. Basically we go ahead and pay the survivors and then try to get the money back from the other government. We have somewhat better luck than the victims could directly.
In some cases, like with Germany, we got reimbursed. In other cases, like with Cuba seized assets of the aggressor government came into play (thanks largely to Jesse Helms, one the champions of this program). In other cases we never get the money back.
I haven’t followed Guam closely but a commission report (in 2004, I think) found that the were not treated the same as other Americans on war claims matters.
Maybe this is too much money but it does seem, in principle, consistent with U.S. policy since 1954.
Sorry, but we actually signed a treaty with Japan regarding this. We assumed responsibility for payments.
Naturally, this was a Democrat President, Truman.
But, since Guam can’t make any claims against Japan, we have to pay.
Given the behavior of the Japanese during WWII, $126 million is probably pretty cheap.
There will be many more of these wealth transfer initiatives that will benefit democrats either personally or politically.
Any rational person would realize that these sorts of spending bills are wrong for a number of reasons.
Yet many of them will be signed into law, along with subsequent earmarks, by a republican lame-duck president..............................................
In exchange for “emergency” “war-cost” funding that does not include any strings.
Yep, both sides will posture and make threats and accusations before quietly satisfying their own agendas behind closed doors.
wait and see...................
( of course I hope I’m wrong...... )
CALL your Senator and tell him or her you are against this bill. If Congress wants monies to be paid to the Guam residents for actions caused by Japan, they should contact Japan. Send the monies from this bill to the tornado victims.