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Posted on 04/09/2007 8:35:35 AM PDT by kellynla
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To: rottndog
but SCOTUS has continually held that law enforcement is under NO LEGAL OBLIGATION to enforce the law. Unconstitutional, comes to mind again. Either we are a nation of laws or we aren't.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:19:41 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: TomGuy
A friend of mine has been getting W-4s from a furniture factory in California for ten years. This year the IRS claims that someone using her SS number made $29,000. Neither the Social Security administration, nor the furniture factory has been willing to do anything to straighten out the problem. So, now my friend is going to complain to the INS. She figures that the factory probably employs more than one illegal.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:20:10 PM PDT
To: Netizen
Hmmm To your knowledge has anyone brought suit on these grounds? If not, maybe it's time.
There are 14th amendment lawsuits all the time, and I think as the ridiculousness of the situation gets worse, there are going to be lawsuits about double standards in the law when it comes to illegal aliens.
We continue our fall into third world'ism'. We become a nation where the people are not heard and the elitists just do as they please..... oh wait a minute.....
This is what I don't understand about the OBSS's (Open Borders Sovereignty Sellouts)--allowing America to be overrun by third world refugees won't improve America, and as we've seen, it isn't improving those third world countries (Mexico in particular). All that's going to happen, and is happening, is that the U.S. will become the same third world cesspool that the illegal aliens are fleeing.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:22:59 PM PDT
(Mexico can go to Hell (Well actually it's already hell--Ask the millions who have fled from there))
To: kabar
Dying and weak civilizations can and have been overrun. If the US were to annex Mexico, we would be far worse off. Incorporating third world countries into the US would cost us more than it is worth. Which is the dying & weak civilization? The US or Mexico? I would posit that with US remittances constituting their major source of capital, it is Mexico that is weak.
If a significant percentage of Mexico's people are residing in the US, with no net benefit to us, how would taking over one of the richest regions on earth, coupled with an incredibly low population density (outside of Mexico City - read: empty), be a net cost?
It wouldn't. It would usher in a tremendous population flow slow from the old, high tax states to the 15,000 miles of virgin Mexico coastline.
In a way, this transformation is already underway. When you drive south of TJ in Baja, you can only tell where you're at by the infrastructure; the mix of anglos & hispanics is no different that when you cross back north into San Diego.
To: taxed2death
Obsession: a persistent disturbing preoccupation
posted on
04/09/2007 5:34:24 PM PDT
(X41:"I will never apologize for the United States of America — I don't care what the facts are")
To: Eva
A friend of mine has been getting W-4s from a furniture factory in California for ten years. This year the IRS claims that someone using her SS number made $29,000. Neither the Social Security administration, nor the furniture factory has been willing to do anything to straighten out the problem. So, now my friend is going to complain to the INS. She figures that the factory probably employs more than one illegal. This is the sort of thing that should be a major concern to people. I think at some point this will become another nightmare.
Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 which addresses enforcement of sanctions against Employers who employ illegal aliens. Again, someone isn't doing their job and perhaps a lawsuit will shake somebody up.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:37:05 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: DumpsterDiver; ohioWfan
WoW you really care about Ohio, don’t you? To spend that much time listing her posts. OWF, you have a fan here.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:45:19 PM PDT
(X41:"I will never apologize for the United States of America — I don't care what the facts are")
To: kabar
If the US were to annex Mexico, we would be far worse off. Incorporating third world countries into the US would cost us more than it is worth. It wouldn't solve anything, anyway. All it would do is create a 'new' border that would need constant watching. Mexico watches its southern border because 'gasp' they don't like people crossing it illegaly!
posted on
04/09/2007 5:49:33 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: kabar
Border Wall Is No FixMexico, on the other hand, is not so generous when its national sovereignty is being violated. Since 1974, anyone found entering Mexico illegally is subject to two years of incarceration, if they are lucky. For years Mexican troops on Mexicos southern border have used land mines and assault rifles to deter Central American immigrants from entering Mexico. Anyone trying to cross Mexicos southern border illegally can be killed with little or no notice to the media.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:55:00 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: daybreakcoming
Meh, I’m just tired of people arguing for amnesty.
posted on
04/09/2007 5:55:37 PM PDT
Ultra Sonic 007
(Why vote for Duncan Hunter in 2008? Look at my profile.)
To: kabar; rottndog
Very good point. Since most people in this country are too uneducated to know and understand the constitutional duties of the three branches of the federal government, they have no clue that congress passes legislation, executive branch enforces it.
We can bitch all day long about the scum in congress that want open borders. But the fact is, laws exist to deal with illegals and protect our borders. It is not up to congress to enforce them, it is the responsibility of the administration. No administration has enforced them for decades. But there is only one President in office at this time. And the dereliction of duties by previous presidents is not an excuse for Bush to do the same.
posted on
04/09/2007 6:11:04 PM PDT
(If you can remember the weren't really there)
To: kabar
The NG is not helping? Why is that not working out?
To: ChildOfThe60s
Right and especially in a Post September 11th world. This should have been enough... As long as the Republicans can do you to sell out their base (the conservatives) regrading the border, then I just do not see how they can recapture the House or Senate.
To: rottndog
Mexico worries About It's Own Southern BorderHere at Mexico's own southern edge, Guatemalans cross legally and illegally to do jobs that Mexicans departing for the north no longer want. And hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants from nearly two dozen other countries, including China, Ecuador, Cuba and Somalia, pass through on their way to the United States.
I thought they came in through the north! /sarcasm ;)
posted on
04/09/2007 6:25:09 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: ChildOfThe60s
We can bitch all day long about the scum in congress that want open borders. But the fact is, laws exist to deal with illegals and protect our borders. It is not up to congress to enforce them, it is the responsibility of the administration. No administration has enforced them for decades. But there is only one President in office at this time. And the dereliction of duties by previous presidents is not an excuse for Bush to do the same. That was worth repeating and loudly!
posted on
04/09/2007 6:28:13 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: Sprite518
As long as the Republicans can do you to sell out their base (the conservatives) regrading the border, then I just do not see how they can recapture the House or Senate. I agree.
posted on
04/09/2007 6:33:52 PM PDT
(The dereliction of duties by previous Presidents is not an excuse for Bush to do the same.)
To: ChildOfThe60s
I borrowed one of your statements for a tag line, but don’t have enough room to put ‘ChildOfThe60s’. Do you have an abreviation that you use? lol
posted on
04/09/2007 6:39:05 PM PDT
(The dereliction of duties by previous Presidents is not an excuse for Bush to do the same.)
To: Netizen; ChildOfThe60s
Dang, I wish I had thought of that....It’s a great tagline.
posted on
04/09/2007 6:40:18 PM PDT
(Mexico can go to Hell (Well actually it's already hell--Ask the millions who have fled from there))
To: rottndog
You can use it if you like, I can easily go back to my old one.
How does one go about nominating that statement for quote of the day?
posted on
04/09/2007 6:48:33 PM PDT
(More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war 2,158 ea year - Center for Immigration Studies)
To: rottndog; Netizen
It’s a shame that it even needs to be said.
posted on
04/09/2007 7:01:25 PM PDT
(If you can remember the weren't really there)
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