1 posted on
11/09/2006 7:25:31 AM PST by
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To: Small-L
ust two years ago Bush and Santorum unconscionably endorsed liberal Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), who was in a primary race with conservative Congressman Pat Toomey. Specter won the primary, but Santorum ultimately paid the price. I was in Pittsburgh a week before the election. I don't recall seeing or hearing about Arlen Spector out campaigning for Santorum. I'm enjoying the delicious irony that Spector lost his chairmanship of the Judiciary committee due to Santorum's loss.
42 posted on
11/09/2006 8:10:21 AM PST by
(Proud to be an Ann-droid and a Steyn-aholic)
To: Small-L
No, socialism packaged as conservatism lost.
To: Small-L
Savage claims he invented Compassionate Conservatism back in the early 90s. Wrap it up and deliver it back to him. Maybe he can resell it to somebody.
89 posted on
11/09/2006 1:26:29 PM PST by
To: Kermit the Frog Does theWatusi
To: Small-L
Republican candidates lose when the party apparatus, whose goal is to win elections, abandons the conservative base, whose goal is conservative policy solutions.
How many times must it be repeated?
They are public servants. We elect them to implement conservative solutions. They asked us for this job.
If they won't do their jobs, they can go home.
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