1 posted on
11/09/2006 7:25:31 AM PST by
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To: Small-L
Conservatism IS Compassion!
2 posted on
11/09/2006 7:26:08 AM PST by
To: Small-L
But it won for the Democrats.
3 posted on
11/09/2006 7:26:23 AM PST by
To: Small-L
Looking back, it's hard to believe that in 1994, the newly elected GOP Congress, actually, for a brief time, contemplated DISMANTLING the Dept of Education....just eliminating it...6 years later...
4 posted on
11/09/2006 7:28:19 AM PST by
To: Small-L
Bush's big-government policies have certainly transformed America, but they are not even in the same neighborhood as true limited-government conservatism. Worse, the president, his advisors, the Republican National Committee and Republican leaders in the House and Senate have alienated the party's conservative base of activists and voters.
Compassionate conservatism first brought us the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. NCLB further consolidated federal oversight of education in an era when local control was the mantra of conservative voters and Republican congressional candidates.
2006 is going to be the start of the Conservative base taking back control of the GOP.
5 posted on
11/09/2006 7:28:50 AM PST by
To: Small-L
Compassionate conservatism failed America and cost Republicans control. Bush's guiding philosophy attempted to co-opt the liberal Democratic strategy of campaign to the right, and govern from the middle. To accomplish that feat one must pander to all interest groups, and hope the traditional base stays home on Election Day. If you recall, Bush's predecessor in the White House utilized the exact same strategy. He called it triangulation. Well said.
6 posted on
11/09/2006 7:28:54 AM PST by
(The right thing to do never requires any subterfuge, it is always simple and direct. Calvin Coolidge)
To: Small-L
find a snitch to explain how the dims programmed the votes to have them victors would be a better idea.
7 posted on
11/09/2006 7:30:05 AM PST by
(In Prisons Tattletales Are the Same as Child-Molesters...hmm)
To: Small-L
The last major "compassionate conservative" BOHICA Bush is looking forward to passing is his Shamnesty program.
Will the Dems tie it to elimination of some Bush tax cuts, causing GWB to repeat GHWB's blunder??
9 posted on
11/09/2006 7:32:36 AM PST by
(I haven't left the GOP, the GOP left me.)
To: Small-L
Can we bring back Dispassionate Conservatism now?
10 posted on
11/09/2006 7:34:28 AM PST by
("If it's not the Crusades, it's the cartoons." -GWB)
To: Small-L
Seems to me what really allowed the Democrats to win (at least in the Senate) was that the candidates they put up against the Republican incumbent claimed to be "conservative"...i.e. pro-life, pro-gun, like Casey in PA.
Whether or not those elected Senators stick to their
stated ideals once in Congress (which is something I doubt), will be another story.
Those kind of Republicans (i.e. the Republicans that could win in Democratic strongholds because they're so liberal) have always proved a bane to the Republican majorities.
Will the same thing happen with the newly elected "conservative" Dems...will they be a "thorn" in the side of Pelosi? Time will tell.
11 posted on
11/09/2006 7:34:38 AM PST by
To: Small-L
This country could use a little less compassion and a whole lot more conservatism from this administration.
12 posted on
11/09/2006 7:35:10 AM PST by
To: Small-L
And .. not soon enough to suit me.
Compassion has it's place - but it's NOT IN POLITICS. If you're not in it to WIN - then get the hell out. This constant cow-towing to the other side is what caused the base to stay home.
13 posted on
11/09/2006 7:35:21 AM PST by
(Drive-By Media: Fake news, fake documents, fake polls)
To: Small-L
Bush's brand of pork barrel politics was neither compassionate nor conservative. Which why it is now
histoire. "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." -Manuel II Paleologus
15 posted on
11/09/2006 7:36:08 AM PST by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: Small-L
We need a real spiritual revival. Otherwise, no point to life. I mean if you live for a few years, than your dead forever, what was your purpose in living, just struggling with all the evil in this world. America needs Christ back in everything, so we can all rejoice together in our eternal future. We must keep praying until God answers our prayers, and literally changes the atmosphere from depression and despair to love, joy, and REAL peace.
16 posted on
11/09/2006 7:37:46 AM PST by
(All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.)
To: Small-L
18 posted on
11/09/2006 7:41:13 AM PST by
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
To: Small-L
"Compassionate conservatism is the theory that the government should encourage the effective provision of social services without providing the service itself."
And THAT is exactly what America was.....until LBJ and the other "Great Society" socialists took over the role of charity from churches and other charitable agencies to make providing these goods, funds, and services a responsibility of the gummint and the taxpayer.
To: Small-L
110% correct. Think i will copy and paste this and send to a few Republican groups.
21 posted on
11/09/2006 7:41:40 AM PST by
(Support the Minuteman Project.)
To: Small-L
Now that Democrats have seized control of the House, and possibly the Senate, the president is poised to deliver the knockout blow to conservative voters, the conservative movement and the very Constitution itself. In a most bitter twist of irony, Democratic control of Congress would finally allow Bush to enact his amnesty scheme for the tens of millions of illegal aliens within our borders. Amnesty for illegal aliens is not compassionate, nor is it conservative. It is unconstitutional.We have no one to blame but ourselves. We had a great opportunity to formulate a reasonable immigration reform package, but the House stood firm in the face of dozens of polls showing Americans wanted comprehensive immigration reform...and wanted some type of path to citizenship for those already here. We blew it!
Instead we concentrated on pathetic attempts to amend the Constitution for social issues, arguing against evolution across the country, and refusing any compromise on stem cell research. Add to that the ridiculous display by Congress to step into state business during the Terri Schiavo fiasco, while forgetting entirely what a Republican congress should be doing to hold back the growth of government while ignoring comprehensive energy legislation, and it's no wonder some ask where the leadership was.
To: Small-L
On a side note, I'm still waiting to hear from Michael Moore. (Not that I look forward to it.)
31 posted on
11/09/2006 7:50:24 AM PST by
To: Small-L
The White House support of Arlen Specter and Chaffee and refusing to support Kathraine Harris was WORSE than NCLB OR the Drug plan!! Just showed raw politics with NO integrity!! Good riddance to Karl Rove and Ken Mehlman and George Bush.
To: Small-L
The spin is on. Sure, we Republicans once again are doing the hard work, and the corrupt RATS step in on the last quarter and take credit for the new Iraq. Talking to a few returning vets, Iraq for the most part was doing great. New schools, hospitals, much improved Police taking more control and the military was getting up to speed and in excellent shape. Oil fields are up to speed and the oil production is as good as before the war. It did take time to equip and build a Iraqi Army with all the logistics needed to be successful. The careful and time consuming will prove to be a better Army. There were lots to things to overcome. The danger now is pulling out. The Iraqis have lots more to do and the terrorist are working like hell as a last ditch effort to salvage Iraq and become the third player with Iran and Syria. Our ignorant RATs have no concept, no plan, and in the ranks of stupid, they top the list.
The Government was moving faster than was portrayed. They had a lot of past to shed off their backs and learn how a democracy works. Look how long it took for us to establish a sound democratic form of government and compare it to the Iraqi.
One thing about the left RATS, they spent all those Bush years learning how to enhance their spin mythology. We are in trouble in 2008 and beyond because of the third party sucking votes that could be ours and RATS taking credit where they have not earned anything. If that is not corruption at its finest then I don't know the ultimate corruption.
41 posted on
11/09/2006 8:07:46 AM PST by
Logical me
(Oh, well!!!)
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