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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....11-07-06....I Pledge Allegiance
Posted on 11/06/2006 10:52:12 PM PST by Billie
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To: JustAmy
Hi JustAmy
Same thing happened with my daughter. I hope Prissy Missy is over the worse of it now.
I picked my daughter up from school yesterday and she was fine. I took her to a friends. She came home, in minutes was stuffed up. Last night she was ill. She's better now eating crackers and soup.
posted on
11/07/2006 1:25:54 PM PST
(US Troops, Past, Present and Future, God Bless You and Thank You! Prayers said for our Heroes!)
To: All
knucled needs a k & servent a not e...
To: Purple Mountains Maj
Thanks for this wonderful idea! Hi, there, Miss Maj! Thank *you*, and knowing you, I am sure you will have some awesome contributions for this thread!
Posting one more of mine, and then I need to check out for a while. WILL be back later this afternoon or evening though!
posted on
11/07/2006 1:27:33 PM PST
To: GodBlessUSA
Thanks for the encouragement, GB.
I just gave her some chicken noodle soupl I'm hoping it stays down. She just asked for seconds. :)
Good sign?
posted on
11/07/2006 1:30:16 PM PST
(I wear red every Friday, but I support our Military everyday!!)
To: JustAmy
Just took another peek and saw your post about little Priss. Hope the second bowl of soup is a good sign! These bugs are not fun to have, but sounds like maybe she's feeling better now.
NOW, I do need to go! Will be back!
posted on
11/07/2006 1:35:25 PM PST
To: Billie; Finest FRiends; FRiends; All
Thanks for Your compliment Billie...Thus far I've only found 2 contributions though.
To: JustAmy
Seconds on soup is a wonderful sign! :) Yay, Prissy Missy is over the worst of it!
It's so hard and awful when they are ill like that. There's not much but comforting that we can do.
One year my daughter became so ill. She couldn't stop for 2 days. I was so worried. I took her to Dr. They said, oh she'll be fine. The next day, I had to run her to ER. She was dehydrated. It was such a frightening experience.
posted on
11/07/2006 1:40:58 PM PST
(US Troops, Past, Present and Future, God Bless You and Thank You! Prayers said for our Heroes!)
To: GodBlessUSA
You are right ..... it is frightening. Never sure if it is just a little bug or something serious.
I did not enjoy washing the bedding in the middle of the night. I've forgotten so much about little ones. But she does seems to be feel better even tho she still has a slight fever.
posted on
11/07/2006 1:57:47 PM PST
(I wear red every Friday, but I support our Military everyday!!)
To: Billie; GodBlessUSA; JustAmy; Mama_Bear; DollyCali; Diver Dave; The Mayor; MEG33; ST.LOUIE1; All
Whew...just getting here. What a WONDERFUL thread today Ms. Billie....especially on such a nail biter day/evening. Praying for our pubbies/country. Anyway, all your pledges are so awesome and LOVE the way you presented them! I have a new bookmarked thread so I can "borrow" them from time to time :o)
Having a little tough time with dad. They call it "sundown syndrome" when folks with Alzheimers/dimentia kind of "whack out" when it gets dark (which is now about 5:15 here). If I get to him in time and keep him "engaged" wer're usually fine...but it's keeping me away from here. Plus it is 2 years today mom died which is getting to him. Anyway...lets pray for a big major disappointment for the dems tonight!!! God bless GWB!
To: dutchess
Good evening, Dutchess.
Praying for our country and praying for you and your dad.
(((( Duthcess ))))
posted on
11/07/2006 2:03:02 PM PST
(I wear red every Friday, but I support our Military everyday!!)
To: Billie
BEAUTIFUL........I hate to say it but this day has depressed me. I think the Media is going to beat the Republicans today. Notice I didn't say Democrats because the Media has played too big a part and the Media will win. Can anybody tell me that I am dead wrong?
posted on
11/07/2006 2:37:48 PM PST
To: Mama_Bear
Thanks Mama Bear. Your's on #41 was unbelievably beautiful! One of the best ever.
To: Billie
Oh that's gorgeous, mine were never as neat looking as yours.
Here's another "aqua" themed "blast from the past". :)
To: Billie
I just got home from the hospital after stopping at my polling place.
You have brought tears to my eyes. I love your thread of great pledges. A BIG God Bless America. I have felt at home here at the Finest since the weeks of anxiety before the 2004 election. You know I'm in a Blue state.
Billie - you made my day. You are the Finest.
To: Mama_Bear
I'll join you in your prayer. May we elect leaders that trust in God.
To: Aquamarine
Hi Aqua. Just popping in on the laptime "dad sitting". My freepmail to you is still "being composed"! (give me a day or two) :o) Know you can relate!!! (((((hugs)))))
To: proud2beconservativeinNJ; Billie
Thanks you proud for being such a great inspiration for this thread. Again billie....AWESOME! God bless the USA!
To: jaycee
I hate to say it but this day has depressed me. I think the Media is going to beat the Republicans today. Notice I didn't say Democrats because the Media has played too big a part and the Media will win. Can anybody tell me that I am dead wrong?
Keep the faith. Gosh...the angst we all have gone through the last elections....I actually was posting the Finest thread the day after 2004 election....and actually did a okay lets fight back with GWB's defeat. Kerry didn't conceed until the next morning so I refused to post the thread until the results were final. (Which turned out WE WON) Slept on the floor in front of TV all night and still remember waking up in the middle of the night hearing all night that we we lost.
I agree, we are at war with the media....BUT because of sites like FR...we are winning. Hang in there, ignore the MSM and just hang out at FR where things are "FAIR AND BALANCED" :O)
To: Billie; DollyCali; Mama_Bear; Diver Dave
Getting here late .....but proud is certainly enjoying this wonderful thread. You guys ROCK.
To: Purple Mountains Maj
Hey Purple. Thank you for all your wonderful additions to another Finest Thread. Lets pray for a victory tonight!
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