Posted on 05/31/2006 5:46:15 AM PDT by Quilla
The elite moonbeams of the MSM keep thinking that this is 1992 and 1996, and they can "elect" any rat they want as president.
A quick scan of this thread shows those days are long gone.
The MSM will be even weaker when 2008 rolls around. So their elite plans should be destroyed again like the CBS/Rather/Mapes attempted 2004 electronic coup re their fiction about GW and the TANG.
My prediction: Hillary trails along in Big Al's wake until the big primary states come in, then makes her move. Hillary needs a sprint, not a marathon.
Especially if J effin K was his running mate.
"Hillary is a lousy campaigner & public speaker."
Very true. As Rush says, she sounds like your ex-wife, very shrill. The more she speaks the better. I'm not afraid of her or that lunatic Algore.
"The New Al Gore." What a hoot! Hilary or Gore, they're both certified losers.
I would bank on that. He does not want to be the first lady.
I don't think that either can win the General Election. The intra-party squabble will be entertaining. Both are dirty campaigners and will be sliming eachother. Al won't go down easily.
Can you just IMAGINE the NASTINESS the left will have to resort to using if Condi runs? If Hitlery runs against Condi, then H will have the feminists votes, but if Condi runs against a man, then I'm not sure how the feminists would vote. I'm sure it would rest on the candidates' position on abortion. I don't know Condi's position on that issue.
How will black Dems vote if a black woman has a good chance of becoming the next president? Difficult to know.
If there is a good chance of a "crossover" then the Dems will pull out all the stops in a NASTY campaign against Condi.
I can't ever see him as a Senator. Too many restrictions on his quest toward earning more $$ than he can ever spend and he'd go nuts being one of 50.
I doubt the Beast enjoys being a senator. It was her steppingstone toward her ultimate goal. I'm sure she looks down on each and every one of her colleagues.
Careful when you use "Gore" and "weight" in the same sentence.
LOLO,thats a good picture for two reasons. Number one the kids size and number two if you notice the ball is already in the catchers glove and the kid is still looking for it.
Bery Apt.
Better yet, he's not a kid. He's an adult in his mid-twenties, 3ft 7in Eddie Gaedel.
The pre-Memorial Day week began poorly for the Clintons, as one of their major media cheerleaders, Chris Matthews... |
by Mia T, 11.20.05
Moreover, the premise of Joe Klein's new book is that loser politicians like hillary clinton--and her handlers--have killed American politics.
He's not pro-hillary by any stretch of the imagination.
This conservative columnist is stereotyping the left in much the same way the leftist media stereotypes the right.
Foolish or deceptive??? Exactly what do you think the Senate immigration bill is all about? Do you for one moment think liberal politicians have not made it a practice of winning elections with illegal votes, citizens or NOT?? The dead have as much standing in political elections as the living.
Contrary to your paranoia the Senate Bill is NOT about setting up Illegals to vote. It is about many other things some reasonable some not.
The rest of your post veers into other areas and has mixed applicability. But you should understand that voter fraud is NOTHING NEW in American history.
But rather than attack the party which fosters it and gains power through it we watch "conservatives" attack the GOP. Pitiful.
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