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1 posted on 05/15/2006 5:14:50 PM PDT by Leisler
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To: Leisler
I have asked for a few minutes of your time

W has to beg the MSM for primetime coverage. Sickening isn't it?

The issue of immigration stirs intense emotions – and in recent weeks, Americans have seen those emotions on display

No Mr. President, it is the issue of ILLEGAL immigration that stirs such emotions. I offer that W could be more respected in his position if it was more precise,thus leaving out opposition of this type. He does this to himself when he spins in this way. Not unlike "jobs Americans won't do" foolishness!

On the streets of major cities, crowds have rallied in support of those in our country illegally. At our southern border, others have organized to stop illegal immigrants from coming in. Across the country, Americans are trying to reconcile these contrasting images

In this tidbit it appears to me that W poses the minutemen as the polar opposite of those marching in the streets supporting the illegals. I offer that this is hardly the case. He damages his own credability when he does things like this.

And in Washington, the debate over immigration reform has reached a time of decision. Tonight, I will make it clear where I stand, and where I want to lead our country on this vital issue

This appears to be a "lay the cards on the table" moment. I commend W for making this call because he is 100% right on that one. Though i personally do not agree with this speech in its entirety, I do think W kept true to his stance showing that he will state his positions and he will say what he is going to do and then he will stand by that and do it. Very honorable on that note.

For decades, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders.

Stark admission, especially in a time of global conflict (read: world war four imho). I would offer that this truth was posed as a form of bait. Another "bring em on" moment. I like to see this because it is speaking truth in combination with strategy in the WOT.

Once here, illegal immigrants live in the shadows of our society.

Most criminals do, Mr. President.

Many use forged documents to get jobs, and that makes it difficult for employers to verify that the workers they hire are legal. Illegal immigration puts pressure on public schools and hospitals ... strains state and local budgets ... and brings crime to our communities.

All true, and then the "BUT" that seems to all this and look at this instead...

These are real problems, yet we must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life – but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law.

As for beyond the reach, We can reach globally to bring terrorists to justice by enforcing the law so why can we not reach to and within our own borders? I find this quite spinful and worthy of legit criticism.

We are a Nation of laws, and we must enforce our laws

Wait a second now, didn't he just say that they were beyond the reach of our law? I find this to be a little ooooopsie. But it could be seen as saying we are due for laws to be changed in order that we may enforce the rule of law better than we are today. I do not quite know which way to think about this, I do believe that was done intentionally to leave both basic sides wondering what exactly he meant on this particular point.

We will fix the problems created by illegal immigration, and we will deliver a system that is secure, orderly, and fair.

Bold prediction , I sure hope he delivers. I must say that I sure wish he had said clearly that this is for AMERICANS to decide as a policy issue and not for the UN or any other nation. After all this is our nation and we the people are supposed to have the power to decide who enters our nation and what they are allowed to do while they are here. Not to mention when they are to be sent home.

First, the United States must secure its borders. This is a basic responsibility of a sovereign Nation. It is also an urgent requirement of our national security. Our objective is straightforward: The border should be open to trade and lawful immigration – and shut to illegal immigrants, as well as criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists.

Well said and it is about time it is said by a President in no uncertain terms. "shut to illegal immigrants: is a bold statement that will piss off alot of people inside this nation and out. I do take issue with this statement compared to "reducing illegal immigration: as he says later on in this speech. Those two seem not to match imho. I must say that on its face I agree with this statement 100%. I just hope he really means it as it was said here.

and over the past five years, we have apprehended and sent home about six million people entering America illegally.

This statement here directly contradicts the idea that we cannot deport (or force self deportation)11 million (or more) illegal aliens. The fact that he (and other politicians) make the claim that we cannot mass deport shows me a bit of double speak. We can and should deport illegals along with putting in place policy in the workplace and social programs that force self deportation. No, we cannot do it in two weeks or two months or two years, but indeed this very comment shows that we indeed Can if the will is there in leadership to do it.

Tonight I am calling on Congress to provide funding for dramatic improvements in manpower and technology at the border.

To me, this was the best statement in this speech. He directly, in no uncertain terms, placed the ball of action in the court of the congress ( where ,for the most part, it always has been regardless). Congress has made so many laws that conflict with each other that even presidential direction has become lacking in ability to enforce those very laws. I offer that has been done by PC politicians on purpose and it is time for all people to see that action for what it has always been. A way to cloud the issue soas not to bring about a solid solution, thus retaining issues to pander votes.

When these new agents are deployed, we will have more than doubled the size of the Border Patrol during my Presidency

A great start, limited by congress in the $$$ department. I must say though that it is kind of a talking point because doubling is great unless of course what is actually needed is multiplying by the power of five....or more the number border patrol officers with enforcement powers.

At the same time, we are launching the most technologically advanced border security initiative in American history. We will construct high-tech fences in urban corridors, and build new patrol roads and barriers in rural areas. We will employ motion sensors … infrared cameras … and unmanned aerial vehicles to prevent illegal crossings. America has the best technology in the world – and we will ensure that the Border Patrol has the technology they need to do their job and secure our border.

All valid parts of the solution I am glad he stated this. Congress needs to listen. More needs done in addition to these ideas. Hopefully when these are in place the "more" will be self evident and undeniable.

One way to help during this transition is to use the National Guard. So in coordination with governors, up to 6,000 Guard members will be deployed to our southern border. The Border Patrol will remain in the lead. The Guard will assist the Border Patrol by operating surveillance systems … analyzing intelligence … installing fences and vehicle barriers … building patrol roads … and providing training.

Valid use of Border patrol but I think it sells them short in their ability. I also ask how is it they can train the border patrol but they cannot take part in enforcment action?? This strikes me as a deliberate attempt to limit their effectiveness. I suppose the "traiing" could apply to the use of new technologies that will be deployed. It makes more sense applying this angle but it sure does seem a bit ambiguous to me.

This initial commitment of Guard members would last for a period of one year.

Bill CLinton said roughly the same thing about Kosovo. I am encouraged by this statement because I think it means the very same thing now that it did then. We would like this to last one year (or until Christmas) but only time will tell if that is possible.

It is important for Americans to know that we have enough Guard forces to win the war on terror, respond to natural disasters, and help secure our border.

I think this comment was directed at the John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi types, not to mention white house press corps types. I think this was a direct statement telling them to SHUT UP about the "stretched too thin" foolishness. I was happy to hear him say this so bluntly. Thanks W.

The United States is not going to militarize the southern border. Mexico is our neighbor, and our friend. We will continue to work cooperatively to improve security on both sides of the border ... to confront common problems like drug trafficking and crime ... and to reduce illegal immigration.

Why not? Mexico has its military operating on our common border. On BOTH sides of it in fact! We can be as cooperative as we can be and if Mexico is not cooperative then nothing can change. I offer this was an appeasing statment meant for Mexico and its government, along with illegals here today. Notice this is the "reduce illegal immigration" comment I talked about earlier. Another oooopsie, IMHO.

Another way to help during this period of transition is through state and local law enforcement in our border communities.

AWESOME W, Thanks for saying it. Sanctuary cities beware, that time is almost over. I would offer that a certain judge with an afinity for pink socks and unders may have influenced this statement. I just thope this applies to the 'border state' of Illinois as well. After all we are fourth on the list of illegal population......

More than 85 percent of the illegal immigrants we catch crossing the southern border are Mexicans, and most are sent back home within 24 hours

Maybe I am ablivious to reality, but I sure do not see where this can be accurate. Catch and release just seems to show this not to be true.

For many years, the government did not have enough space in our detention facilities to hold them while the legal process unfolded.

Without being overtly critical of the congress, W states clearly that one of the main reasons for the problems today is due to congress passing laws that complicate a relativly easy situation. Complication of the process accompliches what some want....keeping illegals here. This is the common practice in the Senate and I wish W would have been more blunt about this point. He did make it I just wonder if enough people will catch the meaning of this statement.

And we are making it clear to foreign governments that they must accept back their citizens who violate our immigration laws

This is true and I wish W had been a little more specific here. Recently we pretty much told the UN and nations to piss off. SCOTUS ruled that we no longer need to gain permission from a foreign country in order to return to them their own citizens that are in violation of our immigration law. Props to W for saying this, but again I wonder if people really understand what he meant by what he said. Indeed, for a long time we could not send people to their home countries because thier home countries would not allow us to do so. I think if people knew this, they would be a bit more fired up about it. Great that W said this, I just wish he could have explained it a bit more in depth.

To secure the border effectively, we must reduce the numbers of people trying to sneak across.

This statement is true but not in the context it is used. This amounts to admitting the we cannot stop the pressure by the sheer number of folks "willing to do anything for a better life". If we were to do what Mexico does when it comes to their immigration laws ,especially on their souther border, indeed, the flow would trickle rather than flood like the chocolate city!

I support a temporary worker program that would create a legal path for foreign workers to enter our country in an orderly way, for a limited period of time. This program would match willing foreign workers with willing American employers for jobs Americans are not doing. Every worker who applies for the program would be required to pass criminal background checks. And temporary workers must return to their home country at the conclusion of their stay.

While I agree with what was said and think it is totally valid, I disagree that this has to be part of the enforcment side. I think that this is leiu of enforcement to the tune of appeasement. I think most people would agree that this would be good policy after the border security is dealt with. I offer this is nothing more than a reform of the VISA program and should be done after security issues are ,for the most part, resolved thru enforcement at the border. Plug the whole then start to speak.

And above all, a temporary worker program would add to our security by making certain we know who is in our country and why they are here.

While I agree with this statement, it cannot do as it claims unless border enforcement is already in play.

A key part of that system should be a new identification card for every legal foreign worker.

OK I agree with that. I support that for all people in this country, Americans and foreigners alike. I think something was left out of this part. I think he is referring to an ID issued by Mexico. Yes, the METRICULA card. I oppose this 100%. THe ID he is speaking of has to be issued by US! I do not think he meant it that way. I wish he would have made that clear. Sure seems to me that he meant the mexican issued metricula and I oppose that as much as I think most Americans would.

It is neither wise nor realistic to round up millions of people, many with deep roots in the United States, and send them across the border.

I offer that this is a matter of persepective. Seems to me in this very speech he said that 6 million were already "rounded up and deported". Indeed they should be sent home and come thru the process in the legal way. That being GET IN LINE like everyone else in your home nation and wait for it to be your turn.

That middle ground recognizes that there are differences between an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently – and someone who has worked here for many years, and has a home, a family, and an otherwise clean record.

W threw up a brick with this one. The only difference between the two is TIME. Lack of action by our government cannot be excused by saying they have been here a long time so we cannot act now. These folks know they are here illegally and they also know they came here illegally. They made that choice and if they lose things...TOUGH!! That is the chance they took.

The success of our country depends upon helping newcomers assimilate into our society, and embrace our common identity as Americans

Damn Straight! Keep in mind that you cannot help someone that does not wish to help themselves. Spanish all over everywhere is not helping. It is harming. Turn up the heat and force them to deal with daily life here in English and they far better assimilate.

English is also the key to unlocking the opportunity of America. English allows newcomers to go from picking crops to opening a grocery … from cleaning offices to running offices … from a life of low-paying jobs to a diploma, a career, and a home of their own.

Is this about "doing jobs Americans won't do" or is this about increasing the footprint of latino population. This strikes me as trying to have it both ways and I was disappointed with this statement. Which is it Mr. President?

Tonight, I want to speak directly to Members of the House and the Senate: An immigration reform bill needs to be comprehensive, because all elements of this problem must be addressed together – or none of them will be solved at all. The House has passed an immigration bill. The Senate should act by the end of this month – so we can work out the differences between the two bills, and Congress can pass a comprehensive bill for me to sign into law.

Another call on congress, Great Job Mr. President. I must say that I hear alot about forming law but where is the statement something like this..... SO WE CAN GET TO THE BUSINESS OF ENFORCEMENT???? Seems left out of that leadership statement.

The story he told about a soldier that wished to become a citizen was very touching. This is an honorable way to earn such a thing. I would offer that would go to Nuclear family members along with a soldier. One thing though, MS 13 TYPES MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN about in this discussion.

We honor the heritage of all who come here, no matter where they are from,

Yes we do and it is time that sentiment is returned by those that seek to come here. They must honor our heritiage or they can just stay home!

I was bummed that I heard nothing of 'anchor babies'. I was also disappointed that enforcement areas of this speech seemed to me to be a bit docile. I think that side of it is being marginalized to appease the Mexican government and the latino voter ( along with future latino voters). All in all I think the president made a decent speech. I liked the call on congress to act. That is what should be said right now. W makes some good points but he also made some that are suspect. I have tried to produce a fair assessment of his speech from the pro and con side in a respectful way. I know it was kind of long, but thanks for reading.
352 posted on 05/16/2006 8:50:42 AM PDT by BlueStateDepression
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