Posted on 02/20/2006 3:30:35 PM PST by Bigun
Nor do I buy your assertion that wages are 60% of price in the present system.More head in the sand behavior ... You know, that one is even easier to figure out than the average # of production stages in the economy. I notice you went quiet on that one. You do display a profound rejection of reality.
And no, we're not lowering business wages ...So, when you cut the profit of a sole proprietorship by 30% you don't lower the income of the owner? Aren't his business profits his income? Isn't his income just like the wages of an employed worker-bee?
Better check you spreadsheet again ... looks like you've blown another gasket.
Explain how with only income taxes removed the CVA in later levels goes up???What the heck are you talking about!!!
Under no scenario shown or discussed yet has anyone RAISED the costs of added value. Do you have ANY IDEA what "value added costs" are??? Don't you realize that the wage portion of value added costs only drops by the amount of the ER Payroll tax? Don't you realize that value added cost at any particular stage is completely independent from the intermediate cost of the incoming product?
So I guess that means that states will impose sales tax on the FairTax. And since the FairTax is imposed on the GROSS PAYMENT, then it will need to tax the state sales tax as well since that's part of the gross payment,Your guess is correct. The Fairtax wants states to adopt the same "gross payments" tax structure and if you don't think they would tax each other in a "gross payment" guess again.
`(1) GENERAL RULE- The tax imposed by this subtitle during any calendar month is due and shall be paid to the appropriate sales tax administering authority on or before the 15th day of the succeeding month. Both Federal tax imposed by this subtitle and confirming [sic] State sales tax (if any) shall be paid in 1 aggregate (gross) payment.
Should this need clarifying, I will make certain that any changes that need be made will be done during the markup session of the bill in the House Ways and Means Committee."Should this need clarifying"?
IOW, it is NOT clarified. Everything he wrote you before that sentence is worthless. Isn't clarification why you wrote him?
Oh, after months and months of pretending that all businesses were corporations you now suddenly switch to talk about non-corporate businesses. Anything to try obfuscation. Let's be straight here that I don't cut anyone's profit - that's Nightie's example of what he thinks the "real world" looks like. I've already said it isn't real world at all, remember (of course you don't). Take it up with him, Dimp-Dimp.
The sole proprietor - oh yes, you obviously don't like to remember I already talked about that situation if "profits" were reduced - months ago in fact - and said that being in that position gives him a wonderful opportunity to succeed (or to fail) and with the onset of the FairTax boosting the economic activity it would be up to him as a hot-shot businessman to find his way to boost and expand his business and profitability - or not. That's why he earns the big bux
If he can't perform and maintain what he finds to be an acceptable economic level then he should become a wage slave like you and Nightie. He's not promised a guaranteed ticket to heaven with virgins riches all over ... that's a different "religion" entirely. All he gets is the opportunity - and that's enough for most except the whiners like you Squirrels.
The CVA values go up in quite a few levels from the preceeding level in Nightie's example. Perhaps you should discuss it with him. Don't you realize that you have no idea of what you're babbling about?? No need to ask, you've made it patently obvious tha answer is no.
I suspect if truth be known the CVA is composed of a lot of things so making up your little urban legends ipso facto ad hoc (and as you go along, too) seems like it's so you.
You've demonstrated time after time you know nothing at all about this subject, so I'll save time by just ignoring you (again).
pigdog, a soothsayer living in your own twisted fantasy world.
You've demonstrated time after time you know nothing at all about this subject, so I'll save time by just ignoring you (again).Sure, every sane person writes again and again and again and again and again to the person they're ignoring. Then tells them they're doing it ("again").
In thickdog's twisted mind, the uncontrolable act of endless posting again and again and again and again and again of nonsensical blabber is equivalent to ignoring you (again).
A moment ago you were ranting that CVA went UP after the tax was removed; it does not.
You need to check Nightie's example which was what my comment related to. You're surely not THAT dense, are you?
And stop misstating what I've said.
Through extensive use of the "because I said so" rebuttal, pigdog has now demonstrated that there are NO savings to be had unless they are ACTUAL TAXES, ACTUAL BUSINESS COST, or ACTUAL PROFITS.Yes, all this happens in pigdog's world ... why, even the FairTax looks like a good idea in pigdog's world ...In pigdog's world, if costs go down, so must profits.
In pigdog's world, the entire aim of business is to maintain a specific net profit percentage regardless of how much money they actually earn.
In pigdog's world, businesses are obligated to pass their products through as many levels as possible to maximize the price to the consumer.
In pigdog's world, analyses reflecting the ACTUAL economy are irrelevant because only spreadsheets depicting fictitious "mechanism" that aren't actually at work in the real economy matter.
In pigdog's world, realistic examples are not realistic enough; only completely fictitious ones will do.
In pigdog's world, labor either does, or doesn't make up as significant part of adding production value ... it just depends on whether the choice helps defend his cluelessness.
... but ONLY in pigdog's World of Fantasy.
It would be strange looking into pigdog's world through the little window (with wire criss-crossed in it) in the thick heavy metal door down the dreary hall, far from the nurses desk.
What has been demonstrated by all this nonsense you stirred up by your meaningless interpretations showing you to be such an economic evaluation powerhouse (yeah, right!!) is that prices will go down when the income tax is removed and before the FairTax is added and that a "real world" example by one of your own cohorts shows this also.
All of your statements in this latest post are either outright lies or warpings of what has been said or shown specifically for the purpose of keeping your failing agenda alive. Nice try.
Any thinking reader will note that in the midst of all your frothing-at-the-mouth attacks you have never once offered any alternative tax system. Could that be because you have none??? I'd say that's a certainty, but the discerning reader will have to judge for himself.
Yes...this is the situation I'm in...%20 or at least $5000 of your annual income IIRC, it's such a goddamned maze I'm not even sure anymore. If you make less than $20,000 a year, this puts you even closer to a subsistence income. The IRS is a boot on the neck of the working class American.
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