I have searched everywhere and I have not found ONE OTHER source that puts those words in Laura Bush's mouth.
The reason I put this post up is because this has GOT TO STOP -- and until we DEMAND that reporters BACK UP what they say, they'll just keep it up.
So I am going to call him out right now:
Chris Matthews, what's your 'source' on your quotes from Laura Bush????
Anybody got Chrissy's email address? I think he needs an avalance of email pointing out his error.
Chris Matthews is an evil fool. He needs to be dealt with by the right people.
HINTS: Dark alley; sucker punch; kick in the ass.
Link to NewsBusters take on the LIE
Matthews was even more outrageous on Monday, Jan 16 ,when he interviewed former Army Specialist Tony Lagouranis " who has just come forward with details of widespread military abuse of Iraqi prisoners during his tour in Iraq."
Lagouranis accused US soldiers and especially Force Recon Marines of atrocities-without presenting any first hand evidence.
And Matthews wondered if US soldiers were sadists who beat up innocent Iraqis, rubber hosed prisoners and then later executed them.
Discussing the " innocent " Iraqis that the US soldiers arrest and take to Abu Ghraib for interrogation , he said this-
MATTHEWS: And when we bring them in, they just start rubber hosing them or start assuming their guilty?
And later
MATTHEWS: What do we do with people when we determine that they are guilty?
LAGOURANIS: I dont know what happens to them once they get to the Iraqi judicial process.
MATTHEWS: Well, do they disappear? Did you ever hear from them later, people that you thought were innocent? ( I guess Matthews thinks they exchange Christmas cards )
LAGOURANIS: I never heard from them later.
MATTHEWS: Are we executing people over there?
So when the force re-con Marines in particular, they were pretty bad in this regard.
They would stay in the detainees home at the time of the raid.
After they had been subdued, they would question them and they would punch them, kick them, broken bones.
I never saw this, but I saw the evidence of it, and I heard the story from many, many prisoners who were coming in. And it was consistently from the Force Recon Marines.
MATTHEWS: Why were they doing it? Were they sadistic or they were afraid? What would motivate a soldier, a U.S. soldier, to beat up somebody?
It's not only that he is reporting disinformation, also more importantly, imo, it is WHAT he is misreporting (lying about).
To say that the First Lady was speaking for God is a very serious and evil claim.
This whole matter ought to see the light of day!
Please write or call the White House to have them call out MSNBC and Matthews. And please contact MSNBC.
"what do you make of this godliness on the part of political figures ........... And now the first lady ................has jumped into the thing and she's talking for God now." -- despicable. Matthews has been a rat for some time now. However this is his lowest so far, even worse than his deplorable treatment of Michelle Malkin last year!
Great post Howlin. You've prompted me to send an email to hardball. I tried to be nice :o) Chris M. stepped on the truth this time and needs to set the record straight.
Maybe I'm slow, but it occurred to me that the news media, harps on the mistakes of the military and intelligence community for getting things wrong, yet they need to look at themselves too. How many stories have they really messed up: Katrina, Fitzgerald report, etc.
If da quote don't fit ya agenda, put ya ethics in a blenda.
I can't see how his 'guests' sit still while he distorts reality and spits all over them.
If Chrissy's lips are moving, he's lying!