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Posted on 01/06/2006 2:24:18 PM PST by new yorker 77

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To: Mo1

This is the lamest plan ever.

101 posted on 01/06/2006 3:32:17 PM PST by goodolemr
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To: caffe

the dems want a week delay after he appears before the Judiciary Committee.

Its another old Senate rule. Reporting out of Committee can take an extra week.

102 posted on 01/06/2006 3:32:31 PM PST by ConservativeGreek
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To: TheCrusader

The problem is that there will be a bunch of Republicans there to cushion their fall.

103 posted on 01/06/2006 3:34:34 PM PST by arjay (I would rather be right than consistent.)
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To: new yorker 77

Just reported on FNC that seven justices asked to be able to speak next week before the Judicial committee. Specter approved this. The reason is they want to address the unfairness with which Alito has been treated. Hooray and Thank the Lord.

104 posted on 01/06/2006 3:35:19 PM PST by GrandmaPatriot
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To: Callahan

von Stephen R. Dujack

Isaac Bashevis Singer floh 1935 aus Nazi-Europa und kam nach Amerika, wo er meine Großmutter heiratete, eine geschiedene Jüdin, die Hitlers Deutschland 1940 entkommen war. Hier wurde er schließlich ein berühmter Autor und erhielt 1978 den Nobelpreis für Literatur. Seine Familienmitglieder - die, die zurückgeblieben waren - wurden wie Millionen anderer Juden in den Konzentrationslagern getötet. Mein Großvater Isaac war ein Vegetarier aus Prinzip. Auf der Grundlage seiner eigenen Erfahrungen war er einer der ersten, die den Massenmord an Menschen demjenigen der Tiere, wie wir ihn tagtäglich in Schlachthöfen erleben, gleichsetzte. Er übertrug auf eine Figur in einer seiner Geschichten das, was er selbst glaubte, "In Bezug auf die [Tiere], sind alle Menschen Nazis; für [sie] ist es ein ewiges Treblinka," das Zwangsarbeitslager nahe seiner Heimatstadt Warschau. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ist seit kurzem unter Beschuss geraten wegen einer neuen Kampagne, die die Ideen meines Großvaters und andere Schriften aufgreift, welche das Leiden der Holocaust-Opfer mit dem der Tiere in der Massentierhaltung vergleichen. Diese Kampagne hat Diskussionen und Kontroversen entzündet, insbesondere unter den Juden. Mein Großvater, der 1991 starb, hätte sie jedoch von ganzem Herzen unterstützt. Kühe, die man für Rindfleisch aufzieht, beenden ihre Tage schmerzhaft aufgedunsen von einer unnatürlichen Ernährung und nach einem Leben in ihrem eigenen Dreck. Legehennen verbringen ihr gesamtes Leben in winzigen Käfigen, die so eng sind, dass sie sich nicht einmal umdrehen können, und genauso ergeht es vielen Schweinen, Milchkühen und Kälbern, die der Kalbfleischgewinnung dienen. Tiere in der Massentierhaltung werden wie eine Ware behandelt, wie Maschinen mit dem Leiden als direktem Ergebnis der Maximierung des Profits und der Minimierung von Raum pro Tier in der Haltung und Zeit bis zur Vermarktung. Das ist nicht die Endlösung, sondern ein Wirtschaftsmodell. Zum Holocaust konnte es kommen, weil gewöhnliche Menschen es vorzogen, die außergewöhnliche Unterdrückung und den Missbrauch von Unschuldigen zu ignorieren. Mein Großvater sagte oft, dass diese Geisteshaltung, egal ob sie sich in der Unterdrückung von Tieren oder Menschen äußerte, ein Beispiel für die schlimmste und gefährlichste aller rasistischen Grundgedanken darstellt. Der jüdische Philosoph und Holocaust-Überlebende Theodor Adorno sagte:" Auschwitz fängt da an, wo einer im Schlachthof steht und sagt, es sind ja nur Tiere." Als er gefragt wurde, warum er Vegetarier sei, antwortete Isaac gerne: "Ich bin Vegetarier aus gesundheitlichen Gründen, wegen der Gesundheit der Hühner." Ich bin ebenfalls Vegetarier. Wegen meiner Familiengeschichte glaube ich, dass es nicht ausreicht, sich an die schrecklichen Dinge der Vergangenheit zu erinnern - wir müssen das, was wir daraus gelernt haben, auch umsetzen und mit dem Brustton der Überzeugung sagen: "Niemals wieder." Aber wenn wir das sagen, dann müssen wir damit auch meinen "für alle Kreaturen der Schöpfung". Ich applaudiere PETA - und das hätte auch mein Großvater getan, der sich weigerte, die Kanarienvögel, die er sich als Gefährten in seinem berühmten Appartement in der 86th Straße in New York hielt, in Käfige zu sperren - weil sie den Mut aufbringen, diesen angemessenen Vergleich zu ziehen, denn das ist notwendig. Ein Vergleich mit dem Holocaust ist nicht nur angebracht, sondern unausweichlich, denn Kühe, Hühner, Schweine, Truthähne und all die anderen Tiere mögen vielleicht nicht unseren Grad an Intelligenz besitzen, sehr wohl aber besitzen sie unsere Fähigkeit zu leiden. All diejenigen, die den modernen Holocaust von heute an den Tieren verteidigen, indem sie sagen, dass Tiere zur Nahrungsgewinnung getötet werden und um uns zu erhalten, möchte ich daran erinnern, dass die Nazis Sklavenarbeit einsetzten und "Gebrauchsgegenstände" wie z.B. Lampenschirme und Seife etc. aus ihren Opfern herstellten. Das war scheußlich! Und mit Tieren soll das anders sein? Schmerz bleibt Schmerz, und egal, welchen "Nutzen" wir vielleicht aus den Opfern der Gewalt ziehen, so müssen wir doch immer versuchen, Leben aus dem Blickwinkel der Unterdrückten zu betrachten. "Es sind doch nur Tiere", sagen die Amerikaner jetzt. "Es sind doch nur Juden", sagten viele Europäer damals. Isaac schrieb einst: "So lange Menschen weiter das Blut der Tiere vergießen, wird es niemals Frieden geben. Es ist nur ein kleiner Schritt vom Töten von Tieren zum Bau von Gaskammern à la Hitler und Konzentrationslagern à la Stalin. … Es wird keine Gerechtigkeit geben, so lange der Mensch mit Messer oder Gewehr dasteht und jene zerstört, die schwächer sind als er." Wir dürfen diese schreckliche Zeit in unserer Geschichte, als Undenkbares gegen unschuldige Opfer begangen wurde, niemals vergessen. Wenden Sie sich daher nicht heute so von dem Leiden anderer ab, wie es damals viele getan haben. Wir alle besitzen die Macht, das Leiden und das Elend zu beenden, jedes Mal, wenn wir uns zu Tisch setzen. Insbesondere in dieser Zeit, wo wir uns des menschlichen Leidens weltweit und der Unmittelbarkeit, mit der der Tod zuschlagen kann, so bewusst sind, ist die Entscheidung zugunsten einer vegetarischen Ernährung etwas, das wir tun können, das einigen der unschuldigsten unserer Mitgeschöpfe auf diesem Planeten sofortige Erleichterung bringt. Helfen Sie, den Holocaust der Tiere zu beenden, indem Sie noch heute Vegetarier werden.

105 posted on 01/06/2006 3:35:24 PM PST by Callahan
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they'll accuse him of being catholic

Don't forget the accusation that he is a "white male" of Mediterranean decent.

106 posted on 01/06/2006 3:35:56 PM PST by ConservativeGreek
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To: Dog

I would suggest that you take a careful look at what the Republicans have been up to. At least the Democraps manage to stay in control even if the voters don't put them there. They are doing exactly what the moonbat base of their party wants while the Republicans are busy eating their own and splitting the base. Guess whose base is likely to crawl over broken glass next November? Clue: not the conservatives.

107 posted on 01/06/2006 3:38:12 PM PST by penowa
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To: Callahan
by Stephen R. Dujack

Isaac Bashevis Singer fled 1935 from Nazi Europe and came to America, where he married my grandmother, a divorced Jewess, who was escaped Hitler's Germany 1940. Here he became finally a famous author and received to 1978 the Nobelpreis for literature. Its family members - who had stayed, - like millions of other Jews in the concentration camps were killed. My grandfather Isaac was a vegetarian on principle. On the basis of its own experiences it was one first, those the mass murder at humans that of the animals, as we experience it daily in slaughterhouses, equated. It transferred what it believed, to a figure in one of its stories "regarding [ animals ], is all humans Nazis; for [ it ] it is an eternal Treblinka, "the hard labour camp close of its hometown Warsaw. People for the Ethical Treatment OF Animals is turned out since short under bombardment because of a new campaign, which takes up the ideas of my grandfather and other writings, which compare a suffering of the Holocaust victims with that of the animals in mass animal husbandry. This campaign ignited, in particular discussions and controversies among the Jews. My grandfather, who died 1991, would have supported it however from whole heart. Cows, which one draws up for beef, terminate their days painfully aufgedunsen from an unnatural nutrition and after a life in their own dirt. Putting hens spend their entire life in tiny cages, which are so close that they cannot even turn, and exactly the same are issued it many pigs, milk cows and calves, which serve the calf meat production. Animals in mass animal husbandry are treated like a commodity, like machines with suffering as direct result of the maximization of the profit and the minimization of area per animal in the attitude and time up to the marketing. That is not the final solution, but a restaurant model. To the Holocaust it could come, because usual humans preferred it to ignore the unusual suppression and the abuse from innocent ones to. My grandfather said often that this attitude of mind, all the same whether she expressed herself in the suppression of animals or humans, represents an example of the worst and most dangerous all racistic basic idea. The Jewish philosopher and Holocaust survivor Theodor Adorno said: " Auschwitz begins, where one is located and says in the slaughterhouse, it is only animals." When he was asked, why he was vegetarian, Isaac answered gladly: "I am vegetarian for health reasons, because of the health of the chickens." I am likewise vegetarian. Because of my family history I that it is not sufficient, believe to remember the terrible things of the past - we must convert and with the chest clay/tone of the conviction say what we learned from it, also: "never again." But if we say, then we thereby also mine must "for all creatures of the creation". I applaudiere PETA - and that would have done also my grandfather, who refused, the Kanarienvoegel, which it held itself as a companion in its famous apartment in the 86th road in New York, to close into cages - because they apply the courage, this appropriate comparison to pull, because that is necessarily. A comparison with the Holocaust is not only appropriate, but inevitable, because cows, chickens, pigs, truthaehne and all the other animals may not possess perhaps our degree at intelligence, very probably however possess them our ability to suffer. All those, which defend the modern Holocaust from today at the animals, by saying that animals are killed for food production and around us to receive, would like I of the fact to remind that the Nazis slave work used and "utensils" e.g. lamp screens and of its victims made soap etc.. That was terrible! And with animals that is to be different? Pain remains pain, and no matter, which "use" we perhaps draw from the victims of the force, then must we nevertheless always try to regard lives from the point of view of the suppressed ones. "there is nevertheless only animals", now says the Americans. "there is nevertheless only Jews", said many Europeans at that time. Isaac wrote once: "so long humans the far blood of the animals pour, it to peace will never give. It is only a small step of killing from animals to the building of gaskammern à la Hitler and Konzentrationslagern à la Stalin.... It no justice to give, so for a long time humans with measurer or rifle stands there and those destroyed, which are weaker than he." We may forget this terrible time in our history, when inconceivable was committed against innocent victims, never. Do not turn away therefore today in such a way from suffering others, as at that time many did it. We all possess power to terminate a suffering and the misery each mark, if we sit down to table. In particular in this time, where we it are so aware, are of human suffering world-wide and the immediacy, with which death can slam shut, the decision in favor of a vegetarian nutrition to something, which we can do, which unites the most innocent our Mitgeschoepfe on this planet immediate easement brings. Help to terminate the Holocaust of the animals by becoming still today vegetarians.

108 posted on 01/06/2006 3:42:35 PM PST by Callahan
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To: Dog; Peach
Mark Levin is saying per Drudge that the Dems are going destroy Alito with an article he didn't write ..

109 posted on 01/06/2006 3:42:45 PM PST by Mo1 (Republicans protect Americans from Terrorists. Democrats protect Terrorists from Americans)
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To: Mo1
The horror, the horror:

110 posted on 01/06/2006 3:48:09 PM PST by Callahan
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To: keithtoo


"No one expects The Inquisition!"

111 posted on 01/06/2006 3:53:28 PM PST by FormerACLUmember
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To: new yorker 77
112 posted on 01/06/2006 3:53:43 PM PST by Wiggins
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To: new yorker 77

So he supported an organization that opposed affirmative action. So damn what?

113 posted on 01/06/2006 3:53:44 PM PST by Notwithstanding (I love my German shepherd - Benedict XVI reigns!)
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To: GianniV
The only reason the Democrats are still around is the Media. The media just restates all the liberal talking points and certain dumb people in this country believe it.

RINOs need Democrats. They also benefit more from Democrat vote fraud than even the Democrats themselves. Were it not for Democrats, RINOs would lose their raison d'être. RINOs will thus do what is necessary to keep the Democrats around.

114 posted on 01/06/2006 3:57:35 PM PST by supercat (Sony delinda est.)
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To: Mo1

NRO online is reporting the dems already pull back on calling him as a witness even before Drudge reported about it.

115 posted on 01/06/2006 3:58:06 PM PST by Paul8148
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To: GrandmaPatriot; Dog; Howlin; Peach; Miss Marple
Just reported on FNC that seven justices asked to be able to speak next week before the Judicial committee. Specter approved this. The reason is they want to address the unfairness with which Alito has been treated. Hooray and Thank the Lord.

What 7 seven justices ??

116 posted on 01/06/2006 3:58:50 PM PST by Mo1 (Republicans protect Americans from Terrorists. Democrats protect Terrorists from Americans)
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To: Mo1

Seven Supreme Court justices? If they are "justices" they would have to be. Lower court officials are called "judges."

117 posted on 01/06/2006 4:09:08 PM PST by Miss Marple (Lord, please look after Mozart Lover's son and keep him strong.)
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To: new yorker 77
The RATS have gone over the cliff so many times in the last few years. I suggest they adopt Willey Coyote as their party mascot.
118 posted on 01/06/2006 4:10:54 PM PST by upchuck (Article posts of just one or two sentences do not preserve the quality of FR. Lazy FReepers be gone!)
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To: Mo1

Jim Angle didn't say, he only said both dems & pubs. I may be wrong but I would think all but Roberts since he was just recently confirmed. That's just a guess on my part, nothing more. I don't know which seven.

119 posted on 01/06/2006 4:22:40 PM PST by GrandmaPatriot
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To: caffe

I did hear on , I believe on C-Span, that the dems want a week delay after he appears before the Judiciary Committee.
I don't know if it's before they vote or after.

The one week delay in the vote is a committee rule and has been used by both sides of the aisle in the past. Nothing new with this. So the committee doesn't vote on Jan. 17 but one week later want make any difference in the outcome. IMO Alito will be voted out along party lines and confirmed by the Senate.

The senate and their committees are full of rules you or I may not like but until they are changed they apply equally to both sides.

120 posted on 01/06/2006 4:24:49 PM PST by deport (Happy and Prosperous 2006 to all.........)
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