Posted on 11/17/2005 11:27:22 AM PST by Nicholas Conradin
WildHorseCrash ---- You claimed that I "denied that DNA had information." That is clearly falseJesus Christ, you filthy liar, here's ANOTHER lie. I didn't leave out coded, you never said coded. This is your lie, retard. In post 277 you claimed that I denied that DNA had information. Period. You did not say coded information. You just said I denied that DNA had information, which I did not. That was a lie. And you continue to lie about it now, again. Can you do anything but lie?? Of course not, you're a creationist retard. All you retards do is lie.[NOTE.. WHC leaves out coded]
WildHorseCrash --- you actually get the amino acid glycine. You actually create the stuff. It doesn't stand for it, it actually makes the actual thing. It is not a code, it is not coded information.Yes, retard, I made a mistake. High school was a long time ago. That's a mistake, dork, not a lie. You, on the other hand, are just a liar.Liar, Liar pants on fire.
Filthy liar yourself. This is what I posted in post 266 about your mistake, post 277 is to be read in context of that post especially since you have never admitted to any information encoded in DNA.
Post 266 excerpt follows...
Well, I think you are mistaken. The original context stated that DNA had coded information in post 170. You explicitly denied this by stating in post 236...Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem. . You then proceeded to give a mistaken example containing ... run it through the magical RNA machine, you actually get the amino acid glycine. You actually create the stuff.
That is why I responded to you. You have never admitted to any information. I have repeated this...
...DNA has coded information.
Official Symbol: ADCY2 and Name: adenylate cyclase 2 (brain) provided by HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
Gene type: protein coding
Gene name: ADCY2
Gene description: adenylate cyclase 2 (brain)
RefSeq status: Reviewed
Organism: Homo sapiens
Lineage: Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo
Gene aliases: HBAC2; KIAA1060
Summary: This gene encodes a member of the family of adenylate cyclases, which are membrane-associated enzymes that catalyze the formation of the secondary messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). This enzyme is insensitive to Ca(2+)/calmodulin, and is stimulated by the G protein beta and gamma subunit complex. It is expressed in brain.
Numerous times for a reason. You have never admitted it. Do you now admit DNA has coded information? Yes or no?
You lied twice already about the same stinkin' thing. Even after I pointed out your multiple lie, you compound the lie by denying it. You want to discuss coding of DNA further? Forget it, dork. Had you owned up to your mistake, then perhaps. But as I said, I have no interest in dealing with liars. Especially when, like you, they persist in their lying ways. And by trying to justifying your lies, you've shown yourself to be not just a liar, but one without honor or character, at that.
Do you admit DNA has coded information?
Liar yourself. Your plain mistake is evident. So much so that you refuse to answer the simple question. Does DNA contain coded information? This is due to the fact that your answer will show you to be a blatant fraud. Liar, yourself.
Does DNA contain coded information?
WildHorseCrash ---- Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem.
I don't know how more plain I can make it. How about this:
Lying creationist retard dork, I am not going to discuss the merits of this argument with you because you are a dishonorable liar.
Piss off.
Of course, you could, but it would show you up for the fraud you are.
Does DNA contain coded information?
WildHorseCrash ---- Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem.
Believe whatever you want, liar. You're a creationist Christian, you should be used to believing bullshit by now.
Piss off, dork.
Does DNA contain coded information?
WildHorseCrash ---- Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem.
You have no problem believing wrong things.
Exactly what part of "Piss off" do you not understand, liar?
All you have to do is "piss off" yourself. Anytime you insult, I feel I have the right to point out your fraud. You have descended into a "spitting", insulting, tantrum, of name-calling simply due to your lack of intellectual grit.
Does DNA contain coded information?
WildHorseCrash ---- Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem.
It is amusing, though, to have one of you brain-dead Christian creationists talk about someone else's intellectual "grit" while you go on believing your superstitious nonsense...
Again, piss off.
Nope, but you are certainly wrong and can't admit it.
Does DNA contain coded information?
WildHorseCrash ---- Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem.
"Piss off" yourself.
LOL... Liar, that's one of the differences between you and me. If I'm wrong, I admit it and take my lumps like a man, as I've proved on this very thread. When you're wrong, you run away from it like a little girl, and lie about it later, as you've proved on this very thread.
And it's only because you are a worthless liar that I'm not interested in discussing the issue as I had been.
Piss off, liar.
Ok, who pissed the furthest in the snow?
Liar yourself.
WildHorseCrash --- post 263 I jumped from DNA to RNA because I had the glycine example handy.
WildHorseCrash --- post 267 You are correct about the specifics regarding lysine. I stand corrected. Serves me right for trying to dredge up high school bio after all these years without review...
Handy and withouot review.....
Does DNA contain coded information?
WildHorseCrash ---- Your majory error here is the belief that DNA is encoded information. It is not. It is one, big, long, complex biochemical problem.
Lest I be called a liar for that.
By contrast, you, you lying coward, still haven't admitted that you flat out lied twice about what I said.
But what can I expect from a creationist. Lying for your pretend god is what you retards are all about, isn't it.
Piss off.
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