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The above is at the WFLA web page listed above. I heard Mr. Campbell's broadcast this morning and he played a clip of Katie Couric interviewing the man who hosted the DATELINE NBC piece that recently aired.

If you didn't see this show, here is a synopsis:

Dateline's producers set up in a nice, residential neighborhood and proceeded to lure men to this location and they got it all on film. One guy was instructed to show up to the house under the guise of meeting with a 13 or 14 year old boy, and he was to enter the house NAKED and carrying a 12 pack of beer, which HE DID! They caught the very same guy a day or two later after they told him to go to a McDonald's restaurant!

But here is the part that justifies my title: When perky Katie interviewed the producer of the show her concern was for the PERPS! As near as I can remember them her words were "I get almost sick to my stomach wondering how these men could have gotten themsleves in this situation."

Katie wanted to know if the network were going to turn the men in and that if so "what kind of punishment would they get?"

Maybe there was more that I didn't hear but on the WFLA clip, she showed no concern for the ease with which these men were lured in and that there were so many of them. A normal person would be chilled at that, but alas, the perky one was concerned for the poor men who had put themselves in a terrible situation.

As an aside, no one on the radio show or the TV show (reportedly) mentioned anything regarding the link between homosexualtiy and pedophelia.

1 posted on 11/11/2005 10:02:41 AM PST by subterfuge
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