One area where the Clintons seem to have admitted error is in taking gifts and furnishings from the White House when they left.
They have returned $28,000 worth of furnishings and said they would pay back $86,000 for gifts they received. They are reported to have received a total of $190,000 in gifts.
Mr Schier said taking the White House furnishings was seen as "tacky and indefensible" by the Washington establishment.
There was dispute over whether the items belonged to the White House or to the Clintons personally.
That scandal seems to have been resolved by the Clintons' offer to return disputed property.
One entry found for reprehensible.
Main Entry: rep·re·hen·si·ble
Pronunciation: "re-pri-'hen(t)-s&-b&l
Function: adjective
: worthy of or deserving reprehension : CULPABLE
- rep·re·hen·si·bil·i·ty /-"hen(t)-s&-'bi-l&-tE/ noun
- rep·re·hen·si·ble·ness /-'hen(t)-s&-b&l-n&s/ noun
- rep·re·hen·si·bly /-blE/ adverb
We've seen Hillary Clinton issue a 42 paragraph sworn statement to a House investigating committee investigating Clinton wrongdoings ... and in those 42 paragraphs we saw Hillary use the phrase "I don't recall" or its equivalent no less than 50 times.
We've seen Bill Clinton say "I don't recall" or its equivalent in portions of his testimony about Paula Jones 271 times.
And when it comes to failed memories, we've seen other Clinton administration friends and officials say the words "I don't recall" or its equivalent a total of 6,125 times before various investigating committees --- for a grand forgetfulness average of 235 times per person. In other words .... we've seen the most forgetful group of political operatives in the history of this country.