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The Rules Of The American Race Game (How Leftists Can Be Closet Racists Alert) ^ | 10/3/05 | John Zmirak

Posted on 10/03/2005 1:34:21 AM PDT by goldstategop

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The Left can be closet racists and believe in killing off minorities. Just be polite enough to leave their race out of it. And good people like William Bennett get destoyed for mentioning the awful truth about race and crime in this country. Its all pretty clear since leftists have a moral monopoly on racial discourse. Risk breaching the politically correct taboos at your peril.

(Denny Crane: "Sometimes you can only look for answers from God and failing that... and Fox News".)
1 posted on 10/03/2005 1:34:26 AM PDT by goldstategop
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To: goldstategop

"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

– Theodore Dalrymple

Sort of sums up our present level of discourse here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, no?

2 posted on 10/03/2005 1:53:52 AM PDT by Bogolyubski
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To: goldstategop
As this affair makes clear, among these commandments, three are the greatest:

There is the fourth commandment and that one the parent of the other three: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. A form of censorship that saturates most discourse in the MSM & MSP as well as in school text books leaving only the Socialist's in America standing in any given day. Mr. Bennett is just one more victim of Political Correctness.

3 posted on 10/03/2005 2:13:32 AM PDT by yoe
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To: goldstategop

Race is and always has been a trap. I think it's better to judge people based on a more global characterization such as "western values" and "other values". In Europe, many desperate Africans die every day just for an opportunity to live in a society with western values. In America, people of varying ethnicities are suffering due to "other values". Race has little to do with it.

4 posted on 10/03/2005 2:14:06 AM PDT by kipita (Conservatives: Freedom and Responsibility………Liberals: Freedom from Responsibility)
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To: goldstategop
President Bill Clinton, who as commander in chief ordered the withdrawal of U.S. peace-keeping forces from Rwanda, leaving millions of defenseless Tutsis to be slaughtered with machetes, while our and other nations’ blue helmets sped off to safety in other countries.

I don't think the US had any peacekeeping forces in Rwanda to withdraw. The criticism has been that we didn't send forces in, not that we pulled those that were present out. IOW, that we didn't act unilaterally.

"Millions" of Tutsis were not slaughtered. Estimates range from 400,000 to 800,000 total killed in the genocide. A large number of these were Hutus who the killers considered insufficiently supportive of the genocide of Tutsis.

Simple factual mistakes like these severely impact the credibility of the other statements the author makes.

5 posted on 10/03/2005 2:26:48 AM PDT by Restorer (Illegitimati non carborundum)
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To: goldstategop

Poverty has not a thing to do with crime. Crime is the end result of disrespect fostered by jealousy and envy. There has been endless lack of respect taught at many levels, that there is some sort of unwritten right to take from others if you lack possession of some sort of internal compass. This trait is unrelated to economic status.

Nowhere in the Ten Commandmants is there any admonition, "Thou shalt not be rich." There are various ways in which you may not enrich yourself, such as stealing, or coveting your neighbor's wealth, or turning to the worship of Mammon, and certainly there is a strong prohibition against killing, for the purposes of taking the goods that once belonged to a person now dead.

All that aside, poverty is a state of mind, not an economic condition. Even the poorest among us has, from time to time, come onto a windfall. This is a grace, bestowed upon the randomly selected, that for even an instant, gives the illusion that wealth may come to anyone. One may do one of two things with a windfall, either splurge and disperse it with all possible haste (some haste is more possible than others), or use the new-found capital to build and take on a calculated risk, in the hopes of greater return in the future.

Consider the plight of a winner of a multi-million dollar lottery. Unprepared for the burdens of sudden wealth, the tendency is to vastly overestimate the limits of that fortune, and spend it quickly. Very corrosive to the character, the victim of this endowment is left bereft and often in a degree of debt unimaginable before the influx of cash. That is the essense of poverty, the inability or unwillingness to manage money in any sense.

6 posted on 10/03/2005 2:29:50 AM PDT by alloysteel ("Master of the painfully obvious.....")
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To: Bogolyubski

Good post!

7 posted on 10/03/2005 2:31:40 AM PDT by snoringbear
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To: goldstategop
the same eugenic logic preached by Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, who called for “more children from the fit, fewer from the unfit.”

Nobody has ever given me a logical or scientific, as opposed to a moral, reason why such a policy is inappropriate.

Generally speaking, throughout the world, successful people reproduce at a much lower rate than unsuccessful people. Over time, it is logical that this will result in a reduction in the average competence of the human race as a whole, and a growing percentage of less-competent and perhaps even less-intelligent people.

This is, in a sense, evolution in reverse. It is "survival of the less fit." No sentient farmer would ever put such a breeding program in place for his stock. Humans are not just animals, but we are animals, and as such are as subject to the laws of genetics as any other animal.

Nobody wants to talk about the possible consequences of such a policy over the long run.

8 posted on 10/03/2005 2:35:55 AM PDT by Restorer (Illegitimati non carborundum)
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To: goldstategop

Margaret Sanger is a Liberal Saint.

9 posted on 10/03/2005 2:38:10 AM PDT by hershey
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To: alloysteel

I generally agree with your post as regards to the US, and to a lesser extent with regard to other developed countries.

However, we should recognize that in much of the world, there are indeed far fewer opportunities available.

As has been pointed out, the level of work and striving that will keep you alive in China or Vietnam will make you rich in America.

Individual effort is critical, but it is not the only factor influencing whether a given person will be poor.

10 posted on 10/03/2005 2:40:18 AM PDT by Restorer (Illegitimati non carborundum)
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To: goldstategop
My wife does transcription for the Centers for Disease Control. One of her projects involves the interviewing of individuals regarding the effectiveness of the CDC's HIV/AIDS education program. In this program, the Interviewer is black and states to the Interviewees (also black) that the rate of HIV infection for blacks is 40 times greater than for whites.

Does this mean that the CDC is a racist government entity or that maybe blacks have a serious problem?

You decide...
11 posted on 10/03/2005 3:12:54 AM PDT by MedicalMess
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To: goldstategop

"so long as you don’t mention their racist."

This does not scan. He either meant "so long as you don’t mention that they're racist" or "so long as you don’t mention their race".

12 posted on 10/03/2005 3:18:10 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: goldstategop

"Yes, it was insensitive of Mr. Bennett to notice the fact that black Americans commit violent crimes in highly disproportionate numbers."

We must be sensitive at all times.

13 posted on 10/03/2005 3:19:47 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: Bogolyubski

Nice quote.

14 posted on 10/03/2005 3:21:05 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: Ninian Dryhope
"Yes, it was insensitive of Mr. Bennett to notice the fact that black Americans commit violent crimes in highly disproportionate numbers." We must be sensitive at all times.

Actually, I didn't even hear it as declarative as that blacks commit crimes in higher proportions than other sectors of the population. I understood it, perhaps naively, as him saying that if you remove ANY segment of the population there will likely be less crime than if those people existed.

15 posted on 10/03/2005 3:31:50 AM PDT by TheClintons-STILLAnti-American
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To: kipita

"In Europe, many desperate Africans die every day just for an opportunity to live in a society with western values."

And Western pay rates, working conditions, housing standards, crime rates, legal protections, and welfare.

16 posted on 10/03/2005 3:41:01 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: alloysteel
Plus, there have been and are lots of rich crooks and lots of poor honest folks.

The main connection between poverty and crime is that people of very low intelligence are not as able to see the potential consequences of their actions and are thus more likely than people of high intelligence to be both poor and to commit crime.

Of course, lack of intelligence does not cause crime either, since plenty of crooks have high intelligence and plenty of folks of low intelligence are as honest as the day is long.
17 posted on 10/03/2005 3:46:01 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: Restorer
"Over time, it is logical that this will result in a reduction in the average competence of the human race as a whole, and a growing percentage of less-competent and perhaps even less-intelligent people."

There is the phenomenon of regression to the mean, which helps to mitigate this effect.
18 posted on 10/03/2005 3:48:13 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: TheClintons-STILLAnti-American

Not less crime, but lower the crime rate. Big difference. That was what got him in trouble, because if you eliminate a group with a high crime rate, you lower the overall crime rate.

19 posted on 10/03/2005 3:52:31 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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To: Restorer

"No sentient farmer would ever put such a breeding program in place for his stock."

That is why parents what their kids to go to top colleges, whose admissions directors select for the highest intelligence. Attendance at one of the top schools brands one as being top breeding stock. This was the main theme of The Bell Curve.

In order to have a productive society you do not need everyone to be highly intelligent, but you do need a certain percentage to be highly intelligent, as a glance around the world shows.

20 posted on 10/03/2005 3:56:33 AM PDT by Ninian Dryhope
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