Posted on 09/15/2005 6:36:25 PM PDT by PatrickHenry
No, they are not written all written by the same people.
Intelligent Design: Darwin's Mistake by Stu Pullen -- Rebuttals of Criticisms of Darwin's Black Box -- Dembski - Another Way to Detect Design -- Behe, Michael J. - ARN Authors Page -- Leadership U. Designer Universe: Intelligent Design Theory of Origins -- Flagellar Structure and regulated transcription of flagellar genes -- Dr. Lee Spetner's continued exchange with Dr. Edward E. Max -- Intelligent Design Research Community -- Intelligent Design Theory Resources -- Intelligent Design. The bridge between science and theology. (William Dembski). -- Evolution vs Creation (Intelligent Design) WorldView -- Detailed defense of "Icons" by Wells -- Dembski on Intelligent Design -- Dembski: No Free Lunch -- Behe's Book -- A True Acid Test:Response to Ken Miller : Behe, Michael -- Intelligent Design Articles -- Origins: Intelligent Design Artilces -- Ohio Science Standards - IDN
Unless you want to say that Dembski, Behe, Spetner are just ex-FreeRepublic guys.
Or everyone on the links to other Creationist sites are ex-free republic people.
Religion and Science: Access Research Network -- Discovery Institute -- Origins -- Creation-Evolution Headlines -- Creation Science -- Creation/Evolution Sites -- Creation & Evolution Links from the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness (IDEA) Club -- True Origins -- Answers in Genesis -- Faith Facts -- Center for Renewal of Science and Culture -- Center for Scientific Creation -- Creation Research Society -- Biblical Creation Society -- Christian Apologetics -- Institute for Creation Research
Boy, Free Republic has sure been responsible for alot of websites and articles!
I did not discuss the 'original' material in the first place.
I gave the website for a link for the articles that I listed (Behe etc)
It was you who made an issue of the articles on the website, not I.
Clear enough?
Post 377?
What about it, I gave the address to link to Creationist articles and other websites.
Sure looks like the original material to me.
Doesn't look like it to me.
You don't think the article you referred to in post 377 is authored by a former freeper, now residing at DU? Well, whatever. Believe what you like.
My first post was a link to the website in general, not to any particular article.
You pointed out that the site had a message board in which banned Free Republic people talk among themselves.
I found that to be true, but I pointed out that the purpose of my link to the site was to provide links to Creationist articles and sites.
Thus, in post 377 I gave the part of the website that had the address to the links and a bunch of articles by alot of different Creationists. This link in particular.
I did not recall giving a link to any particular article from that website.
Moreover, the fact that the website was formed by a former freeper seems to me to be irrelevant anyway.
I pointed out that the whole website was started by people who were banned from Free Republic.
Thus, in post 377 I gave the part of the website that had the address to the links and a bunch of articles by alot of different Creationists.
Ah, I see your confusion. The list to which you are referring was itself compiled by a banned freeper - it was authored by someone no longer eligible to post here. They are not his links, but he compiled them, in much the same way that the phone company compiles the phone book - not everyone listed has something to do with the phone company, but the phone company certainly has something to do with the list.
OK, but what does that have to do with the fact that they are stating regarding Creationism?
Thus, in post 377 I gave the part of the website that had the address to the links and a bunch of articles by alot of different Creationists. Ah, I see your confusion. The list to which you are referring was itself compiled by a banned freeper - it was authored by someone no longer eligible to post here. They are not his links, but he compiled them, in much the same way that the phone company compiles the phone book - not everyone listed has something to do with the phone company, but the phone company certainly has something to do with the list.
Frankly, I do not see the problem with anyone simply compling a list.
Nothing on that list (as far as I know) attacks the Free Republic.
You gave a website, I gave some additional information about that website. You gave a link to some creationist website, I point out that the creationists who put that website together are not very nice people. That's all. Were you expecting more?
I did not know getting banned from Free Republic made you 'not a nice person'.
Again, I fail to see the relevancy of the information provided and the fact that the site was started by banned Free Republic people.
But others might, so thank you for the information.
It doesn't, but being not a nice person is a good way to get yourself banned. And you're welcome.
You mean it is one way to get banned.
I am sure many 'nice' people have been banned for any number of reasons.
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