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Grieving Calif Mother's War Protest Gains Momentum in Crawford (Freeper Quoted)
AP via Dateline Alabama ^
| Wednesday, August 10, 2005
| Angela K. Brown
Posted on 08/10/2005 5:26:36 PM PDT by kristinn
click here to read article
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To: Ramius
I hate her. I don't care. Can't have love without hate in equal measure or you'll let the things you hate destroy what you love.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:21:28 PM PDT
(Don't make me go Bushi on your a$$)
To: I see my hands
Why don't you link us to a post that says someone hoped she got cancer?
And I think you're just one more troll. You don't seem to understand just how much this woman has lied.
Maybe you're one of those leftists who actually celebrates liars, but here on FR, we appreciate the truth. So get over yourself.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:21:33 PM PDT
To: maggief
And she takes a dump How???
posted on
08/10/2005 6:21:47 PM PDT
Doc Savage
(...because they stand on a wall, and they say nothing is going to hurt you tonight, not on my watch!)
To: Carling
Using up the $$ from the death of her son to travel the country trashing the cause that he sacrificed his life for. She thinks the war in Iraq wasn't worth it. That her son's life was just wasted. Now the people who support the war don't believe that tripe. But she does. She had a perfect opportunity to make her sons death worth it, do great things for her family or others. She could have took that money she is wasting now and used it for her other kids and future grand kids education. She could have donated it to the salvation army or some other deserving charity. But she is so self-centered that she wants to blow all the money on herself.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:22:44 PM PDT
(Kennedy's float, Mary Jo's don't!)
To: Porterville
Nicely put... and an interesting thought.
I think it would be interesting if a *real* group of Gold Star Mothers would camp out on the other side of the road.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:29:10 PM PDT
(Buy blades for war fighters:
To: The Phantom FReeper
Rosa Parks was an operative and had an agenda too, so maybe the comparison is apt. Not that what Rosa did was wrong, but she wasn't some Black Everywoman who just got fed up one day. Miz Cindy, on the other hand, is wrong, and her comments are revealing what a despicable person she is day by day.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:29:52 PM PDT
To: Prime Choice
posted on
08/10/2005 6:33:08 PM PDT
(From the mind of BOAZO)
To: kristinn
Cindy Sheehan is NOT representative of moms whose sons serve in the military. Rosa Parks, my ass. The "anti-war" movement is not about peace but about inflicting another Vietnam upon our country. These people haven't changed since the 1960s. To them, America can do no good in the world.
(Denny Crane: "Sometimes you can only look for answers from God and failing that... and Fox News".)
posted on
08/10/2005 6:33:29 PM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
Comment #89 Removed by Moderator
To: GloriaJane
"I think they're following the exact same script they followed back then".
Yep, but the Internet and Talk Radio have castrated there BULL! ;-)
posted on
08/10/2005 6:38:54 PM PDT
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
Comment #91 Removed by Moderator
To: Jorge
Exactly. If we pull out of Iraq before the mission's complete, we're going to embolden terrorists to attack us here at home. They already did that on 9/11. What does it say about America's ability to defend her friends and uphold her vital interests if she can cut and run if terrorists kill soldiers and our home-grown Fifth Column wants to help them win because they hate our President and loathe our country? It bears reminder that Sheehan's son wasn't killed by the President; he was murdered by terrorists trying to keep us safe. Its not the President who can bring this war to an end, its the insurgents in Iraq. Sheehan and her ilk are addeessing the wrong party here.
(Denny Crane: "Sometimes you can only look for answers from God and failing that... and Fox News".)
posted on
08/10/2005 6:40:15 PM PDT
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: kristinn
"I felt compelled to come and tell her I support her," said Delaney, a self-described hippie from Sly Park, Calif. "The way they were badmouthing a mother whose son was killed in the war is un-American." Of course it was just fine for delaney to have (no doubt) bad mouthed our troops as they came home from Vietnam. I can feel for a mother who has had a child killed while serving his country...but that's where it ends in this case.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:42:16 PM PDT
(I used to have a handle on life but it broke.)
Comment #94 Removed by Moderator
To: kristinn
Sheehan is lucky she is dealing with W.
Remember back when the impeached former president was glad-handing in Chicago? He was approached by a woman who angrily accused him of killing her son. Shortly after her outburst, she was detained by Secret Service because the impeached former president told them she had threatened him. - That's my recollection, at least - I cannot recall her name.
To: Mo1
Rosa Parks of the anti-war movement??? More like the Kristin Breitweiser of the summer of '05.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:47:57 PM PDT
("The essence of American journalism is vulgarity divested of truth." -- Winston Churchill)
To: jennyjenny
"I go back and forth from feeling sorry for her to being angry with her".
Just ask yourself if you feel sorry for the likes of jane Fonda, or michael moore. Both financially support her.
Just wait for sheehan's fall (anti-war) bio-diesel bus tour, starring hanoi jane! She will be right up-front for all of the media to see.
posted on
08/10/2005 6:48:28 PM PDT
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
Comment #98 Removed by Moderator
To: jonrick46
To: LibLieSlayer
too quick on the draw! ;-)
posted on
08/10/2005 6:50:12 PM PDT
(Preserve America... kill terrorists... destroy dims!)
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